Orange County NC Website
12 <br />6.31.8 Lighting for Vehicular Canopies <br />Areas under a vehicular canopy shall have a maximum point <br />of horizontal illuminance of twenty-four (24) maintained <br />footcandles (fc). Areas outside the vehicular canopy shall be <br />regulated by Section 6.31.6. Acceptable methods include one <br />or more of the following: <br />A. Recessed fixture incorporating a lens cover that is either <br />recessed or flush with the bottom surface (ceiling) of the <br />vehicular canopy. <br />B. Light fixture incorporating shields, or shielded by the edge <br />of the vehicular canopy itself so that light is restrained to <br />five degrees or more below the horizontal plane. <br />C. Surface mounted fixture incorporating a flat glass that <br />provides asemi-cutoff fixture or shielded light distribution. <br />D. Indirect lighting where light is beamed upward and then <br />reflected down from the underside of the vehicular canopy. <br />Such fixtures shall be shielded such that direct illumination <br />is focused exclusively on the underside of the vehicular <br />canopy. <br />6.31.9 Outdoor Sports Field/ Outdoor Performance Area <br />A. All outdoor sports field and outdoor performance area <br />lighting fixtures shall be equipped with a glare control <br />package (louvers, shields, or similar devices). The fixtures <br />must be aimed so that their beams are directed and fall <br />within the primary playing or performance area. <br />B. The hours of operation for the lighting system for any game <br />or event shall be no later than 11:00 p.m., except to conclude <br />a scheduled event that was in progress before 11:00 p.m. <br />and circumstances prevented concluding before 11:00 p.m. <br />6.31.10 Lighting of Outdoor Display Areas <br />A. Top mounted fixtures are required for legally existing <br />lighted signs. Lighting fixtures used to externally illuminate <br />an outdoor advertising sign shall be mounted on the top of <br />the sign structure. All such fixtures shall comply with the <br />shielding requirements of this Section. Bottom mounted <br />outdoor advertising shall not be used. Notwithstanding this <br />