Agenda - 10-03-2005-5q
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-03-2005
Agenda - 10-03-2005-5q
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Last modified
9/2/2008 2:35:02 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:48:44 AM
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Agenda Item
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ORD-2005-127 - Ordinance Amending the County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2000-2009\2005
RES-2005-077 Resolution and Ordinance to Provide for Flood Damage Prevention in Orange County
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2005
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09/26/2005 <br />Sec. 42-3.3. Warning and disclaimer of liability Gender neiutral <br />The degree of flood protection required by this Ordinance is considered reasonable for <br />regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering consideration.. Lazger floods can and will <br />occur on rare occasions. lade Construction or natural causes may increase actual flood heights. <br />This Ordinance does not imply tkat [and orttside the SFHA or uses permitted within such areas will <br />be free from flooding or flood dan:ages. Tltis Ordinance shall not create liability on t/te part of <br />Orange County or by m:y officer or ensp[oyee t/tereof for arty flood damages t/tat result front reliance <br />on this Ordirtm:ce or any administrative decision larvfitlly made /tereurzder. <br />' Moved and emphasis at Plaunin~g Board <br />(Ord. ofB-28-1995, § 3.7, eff. 8-28-1995) ' suggestion <br />Sec. 42-34 Statement of purpose. <br />It is the purpose of this eu#ic~le Ordinance to promote public health, safety, and general welfare <br />and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in-spec-rfts within flood prrone areas by (1) <br />provisions designed to: <br />a, Restrict or prohibit uses, which aze dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or <br />erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion, flood heights or velocities; <br />b. Require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities, which serve such uses, be <br />protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction; <br />a Control the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers, <br />which are involved in the accommodation of flood waters; <br />d. Control filling, grading, dredging, and all other development, which may increase erosion or <br />flood damage; and <br />e. Prevent or regulate the construction of flood banters, which will unnaturally divert <br />floodwaters or which may increase flood hazards to other lands.. <br />(Ord. of 8-28-1995, § 1.1, eff; 8-28-1995) <br />Sec. 42-35 Objectives. <br />The objectives of this Ordinance are to: <br />a. Protect human life and health; <br />b. Minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; <br />c. Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally <br />undertaken at the expense of the general public; <br />d. Minimize prolonged business losses and interruptions; <br />
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