Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> <br />sal. 'il'ls Sean at $ 41810 tX} wth std be Ord wi#ra~"~iriy ; 37# says :~~ su~+g ~ ft .~re~-TMe~i.: Yvsry s.`~aC is Cas daft <br />'SGilware' arut dxr..rmeni~iort is de(rvered. The d~!' date shat be wit',i~, t;~uaty (3t?} :aye after A~.,e~ teas tlec'~tve~.' psis si~ssdrexgcuta:s ~reen'4ans. <br />C2, user a !C peg ary tax for w`a~"s k as r re 'ender. or +fi is ass against t.1s~ . e~e;Jus~e h,^~ver. czf <br />irxorr~e axes Da3ed tt~e art d ti any s~~t tax ks pak'3 by A~ela to r8~'na..^ .~ ~ ;; eta r"~eref ~ lryr t„ts+~ or pry>f ~ ~ay~rr+t. <br />t13. This Ag ~# and she shtlr~c wrap Ar~eerraent re~esa lua aid cor:~t°te undsrs cat every tied ~ natu.:e v~t'sat5~ever <br />beivve, parties heteta and a! ~eCar~,ay negotiations # agreernenta of whatever k~;! rx rse are merged trerEr~t, t~ ~ agreements or <br />covenant shaA be held is ~ tree provsia'~s hera~. Ao'ry m~i>on of ihls A~r~eernent ~ be etiecfwe ordy by wtsttsn execution sited by <br />bo#h 'User arai l4fit:eta. <br />44. This t3canse tea does not. ~ ~stallatiort senricea. Ttsesa ssn,iass aE a steed in ~€ 'A'„ tion Serves, l~ "A'ss <br />inc:orpcx~a~ed tt,es try reTsrsraca, <br />A6.EYJ, tPATEtdi" ANU r YF',~{T ltrlt~thMf'i'Y. <br />.Q1. Aaa<ta ~ defend, hc4d ttiartrtiess and eedemnity ~ fram and bairn, awn, , was cr tl<irr:ags for irs~rr+~ <br />~Y patsr~ copyright of smear propes*.y right. {` but rwt fa, rnEsat~.3p~atiatt ra# tr~dda Sets} tr25,9d €rn arty '~o!t~w~; e' a:~ any oN~er <br />r€sateriads itsrtistted hence by Asxteta. Accela srsa~t hire tt+e sod '~ to ~1 ttte ~at~se of any s.x~ or aexian acxi a~ negoRats ter its <br />setste<rseM or comprorttise, uriieat rnueraty agreed tar ~ vrr+tirxg by ttw- partifes <br />.OZ AN ~. , ' persor>Y~et, aeClxticat. and otter ~~, or ttata retating as Uts tlSree'. ++rlhictt is cisgrated t~t~ by ~e <br />User but made ava~able its , in oMer b carry cxR sht5 giant vrr'i tre prtrieated tyy Adrx4a irnm urti,wttxxftec! rxas and sha>I <br />elate observe ~ earns ar et~uivr+lertt iet~irgrsrenks as axe apptacat~le b tJseK' with regard to prong cor~der-tiafity. Acc~la v~ri1 irrtt+ud <br />persorwrei to keep artom~iort txrnfider~tiai. Aceela stems net bs rewired to keep c~crrxfiderrb'a( any data or &rtcertta#iart whict+ is ~ becomes publiNdy <br />~. is attt#ady rigtrtCt~y h ~uaeia's pasaessiccs, is ~~~ devekrped by Ac>Gela autside the > at tt,ls Agraames~4, or tss ttgt>y <br />frstirn third pastimes. <br />.t33, AtrCt~.LA acknorvssdges !tort Custortter it a govarrnraerttal snszty and such is scibjaei W ragutations goverrg pry <br />information. t:usiorner vrdl rrots[y AGGt~.t.A in tlse event a request fivr irttrxtrtartion rney rxnsttic# with the terms coed Msrr'ein, iicwrevar. Customer <br />wiM nalease irrforrnatiort in ardanos with. the then prevafiirq taws governing suds matters, ACCEI.LA aggress tte twald Customer ttartnless fttsm <br />iris terms of tt~s Agreement ~ such evsnf with Customer wo~rl have beep irr violation of pta ~ftrrmation laws tract ~torrtsation bean wiitshsld, <br />A9.00. USERS IsdSTftt7CTIS~N. <br />,Ot. Atxeta stral bs respor+e~le for erstcr6tg ttmi ifs employees, servarsts, and ager# w~, wtianover on t1s~'s . obaY ~ tsasonable <br />rccstnrcttons and t~r'SCti0n5 castled by tb~ar <br />02. Ur>less egraed to by the tea. Acx~ Cars~'tnel. wt wcxlrrx,~ on Uses`x was, rrbssrve the vrcrlrirtg burs, <br />rules and ~ se1'redulee d fleet appicabie ks stxh pren~ss, t.kser agrees w provide w~ space, resovrr~s and . <br />wtrich ens for the pertarsneit>Ger of senricae txtd+a' tree ~~'~'rt, provided, ts~.v, thai sax worklx~g sparer. arx~tor are <br />aS7 by iJser for such servlcaa axrd the fns of arty such ~ sf. reaoursss arrciita nsstsriais is arranged so ~ to rr~amize arty disruption <br />to t1sffi's rrorcrsai uparaborrs. <br />.(23. t~ start be rsrat'roru+b+e tar tlse ir>4~ of all date arto the rxrrnputer rnemcWy zstd krr rerzx~c3ation and ate` of ttta# data anal for taddrtg <br />such adtratfvs std ~ input that data <br />.04. riser ardcnowledges that (!j any modiars. charge, ack3itiian ar scibssitun ~ Cie '~aflw~e or C~ata~ ! s6pxe rnar;•e by she tfssr <br />~ arty thfrd parry { anY ir>tarfac:r+g of are 'Srritwaro' ar t?ata t3asa wRtt any ottser pnlgtarrr, pragrants or any other routirrett. or {~} any s <br />tD tlta envirt3rxrtsrti ~ t~s,.se ""saltrvan!" pstts~c+~, ~ftitxt nr rr~aatEixnC~on. t}seir ite'ther ac~rv~'rvsedgsat that any Cottt~cctitlns to <br />d9~adation or niorr txatssed by such tiorts, i~~ ar ~ shai be made the sole nresi and expanse of User', ens'! A,ctxla <br />sha# Nava no teapot faE' ~Y noes thereof. <br />.t35. The "Sofivare' prodtx.Y, data stturdure, field destxiptiorrs, field definitions, and data rslationst~ips are sub¢errt to change without <br />notice. These chartge5 may result from product development, enrsanr..aments, add,ti brsai features, bug farces arrdtor drer,rmst2nces beyoncS the <br />t;,txttrof trt Rdsior~ tatrtss and retatiarrstvps may be added or removacf as prochxx dens r4 standards rbCiate. <br />Artaeaf'o«:w+[ tict,~c I GFSlMR _._- . ACC~L4, dNG:_ ~ ~ _ _ <br />