Orange County NC Website
ca <br />~~~~~ <br />13, litell Permit - ! 2 hou~s <br />! 4, Erosion Cc~nzrol - l ~ fxiurs <br />are complex documents wig hire additiotsa! assistance hours. C3tu cast estimate fc~r el~srument creation is based can ors doctament per <br />ear.. activiry!case type, silt. hours per dacumer>t. <br />*•*`* has estimated assistance haters based on the County eonvcrting the assessor informatusn. sheet <br />supply all formatting information. Freese sore that if the County incorrectly aktcrs the data, the- County wil! be resixsnsiole far tiro- and <br />materials for Accela.romjSiCrra to correct the data. Please in mind that zeds approach is rust rz~ommended. If the database structasre <br />changes within. "PETS` Phss'~ t~se Cauruy will be respansble far ~eparirtg a stew assessors rxsnversion or cantraet Kith <br />Accela_cotnt5ierra tts provide one. Ttsc ~ cast for;usfSietra to pm~~ide an assessor pared conversion is S4,5~3.tXl. <br />•""`This is Is3ased ors the history conversian information that the County supplied to Accxla.cotrdSiea~sa. <br />.,~«.:.*'I"his reclztires an additional on-site ~=ssit. t?ttr ct~st cstimaac irsctc~es sciEiitic~ns! travel time and cz~setssers for this visit. <br />....*~+~Acxe~.comlS~ra has estimated a standard 5{t hours of nssissance. )•Iowever, actun! aoutu of GIS corsnectiti~ry assistance is unltttoux~ <br />until defined by the User. Accelac€smdsierrs vratsSd rued tts review the County's detailed spxifications. <br />`•`•*"•*•In an efi'od to assort a successful im~siernrxitaton, we have added ats additior~aI trip zo ittstalL This trip would be apprz~zisuately _+ <br />days in duration to ga over the implementation guicic and review any txsncccxes the agcy ttaay have. We fee! this will make everyone fact more <br />cam.fortabk and ks~awledgeable with the install.. Freese note that the travel time and escprttsrs have been caictiiated ix'~cs she shave estimate. <br />`*"*••'*"The County has the optioa between AceelacomfS~rra tx::atirtg a batch f:le transfer to post fee information into the County's <br />futncial system, or purchase an interface such as 'PERMITS` P4S ~ e f the Coturty decides to purchase T'ERTI'l3` P03 ~. <br />Acaclaconn/5ie~sa would Masi W review the County`s detailed spexif~~ns in ardor zo dettrrnins comparibitity axed rata of assistattcx. <br />Please cote that Accxlacom~Sierra has estimated a standard 15 hours of assistance, however, actual amotmt of cornnoctivity assistance is <br />unknaw^n until defined by the Usa. For more inforznatian an T`ERMITS` ):'USA please refer t4s the Peripheral Teelxxologies Tn1"armation <br />aheex located. i:~ the SupporEing Information Section of the propasaL <br />- i>atabases other than Access may require Wirxiaws NT. ~ _ <br />-This c{ttate supa~sedcs any previous written or verbal estitrtsies for presduct and installation services. <br />r <br />i <br />~. <br />t:~ ,cam, t~te._ <br />