Orange County NC Website
8 <br />> ~ ~~ <br />OTHER COMMENTS: <br />Ft)it OFFICE USE ONLY <br />I I t~ ~ ~' ~i ~° l.~ <br />How did you become aware of Orange County volunteer opportunities? {Please check alt chat <br />appiyy: ^Newspapar OCounty Wsb Page OCurrent Oranys County Volunteer <br />Oliadfo OT.Y. Other ,:w- ~~ <br />ETHICS GUIDELINES FOR <br />COUNTY ADYiSORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />I agree by my signature below that, if appointed, I pledge to complywith the following ethiw guldellnes for <br />advisory boards and ~mmissions as adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />Members of advisory boards and commissions shad not discuss, advocate, or vote on any matter in <br />which they have a conflict or potential conflict of interest or ar interest which reasonably might appear <br />to be in conflict with the concept of fairness in dealing with public business. A conflict of interest or a <br />potential cor>Aict occurs if a member has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or <br />indirect, in any issue or transaction under consideratlon. Any member who violates this provisbn may <br />ba subJect to removal from the board or commission. <br />if an advisory board or commissi~ member believes helshe has a conflict or potential conflict Of <br />interest on a particular issue, then that member should state this belief to the other members of <br />hislher resoective advisory board or commission curing the board or commission's public meeting. <br />The rnember should state the nature of the corrtlict, detailing that he/she has a separate, pri<~ate, or <br />monetary interest, eKher direct or indirect, In th8 issue or transaction u,~der consideration. The <br />member should then excuse himseif/harselffiom considering and voting on the matter. In cases <br />where an advisory board or Commission member declares a contict or potential conflict of interest, the <br />member shall excuse himself/herself from the board tabieJvoting area until a'I discussion, <br />consideratbn, and voting is completed on the matter in ques*.ion, <br />Any advisory board or cornrnission member having questions or needing assistance regarding the <br />interpretation of these ethics guidelines or other conflict of interest matters should contact the <br />administrative staff for the respective board or commisslan. Staff will assist ;he member with <br />questions and interpre#ations and may provide a recommecdation on whether or nol the advisory <br />board or commission member should excuse himsetfinerself from voting. The member may request <br />that the staff respond fn wrKing, Staff may contact the Ccuniy Manager for any additional assistance. <br />If appointed. Iagree toatt~nd athree-hour orientation which wi11 give an overview of hcw Orange County <br />Government operates and its relationship to other governments! units. <br />5 z~ ®.~ <br />ca <br />EDUCaTlolu: / C G ,u~~ ~ se,~-,~~, ~~4-S <br />