Orange County NC Website
[915) b+'F't~uc-ro <br />MRR 21 2003 12:37PM ORRNGE COUNTY BOCC <br />(Scheele FL (~ Continued} <br />(6} Where taro ro rntxe lumiaauts aKre idled fix service before November 12, 1991 a~ the same pole oz other <br />strunttur, ffie applicable monthly charges for each lumiaaite other than the first will be tedtuxd 51.78. <br />(7} wood piles latgrr than 40 Saet or stractarcs caber rb~ saoaar<i wood poles msy be installed far an extra monthly <br />charge equal to 1.?9L of the eBtimated installed cost difference the retested pole a structure and a <br />standard wood pok. but not lass than 55.59 per maath pa pile err str~xxcue. ' <br />(8} Ltaniaeire locaaians shag be designated by the Ltistocyta, and where early ~ extension of axmdary facilities is <br />mquirod froth the nearmt distrtbutioa source, the rate per haninaue ity (!~ above mall apply. Whey the uerrnber of <br />roquitrod Poles exceeds the.numba of lutniaairrs regnestad; a monthly urge hat lei than t2.'1a per st~t,d <br />wood pole shall be made f+oc lumioatres iastatted for rervioe before November 12,1991. A monthly charge of 55.70 <br />per standard pole shall be made for lnminairea iastaHed for service aRcr November 12. 1991. Whoa any <br />itiaa roquiros sm aotaoaian of primary ~cilities solely b saris the lamieaitea, sr! additional monthly c6argo <br />equsl b t .TR of the end chat of the pa~tttuery ra~asion shall be mach Should any installation requireguying <br />of sacmdary faalitiea, a eherge of 63 cents per month per gay shall be made. <br />PAYMBNI' <br />Bills under this Schedule are due and p4yable oa the date of the bill at the office of the Y &W are past doe <br />and deliaqueot ca the Sgamh day alter the da4e of the hill. if say bill is ad aQ paid, the hen the ri b <br />. snspmd services Iu additioor W bflb not paid by the twenty-S$h day afia tht: tote of d-a bill she snbjact to a ana <br />peraat (t'!o) late payaaut charge ar the unpaid amamt This Tate payment ~ strait be taadaed ore the folaowiag <br />month's bc71 and it shall became part of and be doe and payab~ with, the b,7T ao which it is reoder,ed, <br />CON1 RACI' PERIOD <br />The original term of contract maybe tram a miniaaun of three years to a of 20 years. Contracts wi0 <br />eontimte niter the acigimal term nndi tamimbd by eithex !~ ~ ~ ~' yvridr.n botice,.aasd the Qoaspaay may <br />reQrmea deposit sot b exceed aao~half of the revaate for the acigiail tcrnn. The deposit t>Htl he retnmed d Bye sad of <br />die origtnei ~- Pyrwidal the t'~ao>Qr has and all pruvisacsu of the cxatract. Minimum trtay of £or specif e . <br />s shall be: . <br />(a) Three years far all laminaires deagoeMd by the Coynpany as standard sail Ixa~rlset mavatod on staadaz,d <br />Pd~ <br />(b) Tea years for sU haaiaairea designated by the Catapeny as doooatttive, and far alt standard luminaires <br />. ~t~ auppor4s other Wan atandsrd wood pelts', and for primary rntteatsit>ns solety serving the <br />(c) 7~ueaty years for all hunm~ a supports designabd by the Campeusy as aoa-stindard. - <br />3~ <br />North Cantina Sixteenth Revised iRaf Na 30 <br />P.ffective for secures rmda+ad on sad sflrr Jaty i. 2t)t)2 <br />Nt+UC Doc]oot Na. E-7, Sub 706 <br />Order dated ~ 2s, 2tT02 <br />