Orange County NC Website
(9191 644-0246 P•~ <br />MflR 21 2003 12:35PM ORRI`lGE COUNTY BOCC <br />BID'LANATORYNOTE3 (Schodaie OL (NC) Caatiteoe~ <br />(1) Lampe will bttra from approximately one half--Lour efts armset until approzamately one half-hour before snoriee. The . <br />Co~3' ~ ~Y bittned-mart Ianeps and oe6etwise tmiatain the Itoaiaaires darinS regular daythae vyottittg heath <br />follosping aodfication by the Customer. <br />(2) Lsmtinavet will be aastaUed only on Cotttpenpwsvoedpules, and all facilities nectstaty for novice n~er this Schedule, <br />mare ~ ~ ~ pokn. hardware, tr~sfatzners, condncton~ and othx appm~emnces nhatl be owned lord <br />(3) Bgaipme~ (wdt u disooaaeetiag swhohe:) aoE sopplibd b]' ~ C-0ttrpetry m skodnd is not avat7abie order this Scbedale. aced <br />sbsq not be installed by the Uustatoer. <br />(4) i'his Srdmdrtie is hat svaiLble far seataotd at other part time apaatiae of out+loot . <br />(S) Clear toexcttry vapor heaps ere standard egoipmeat in all mercray vapor tutamttres above. Color-iffiptovad lamps can ba <br />stgipiied loran et~aaitsr'e 451.04 Pet hmop per month. <br />r <br />f 6j Sat;,-ioe asiag o~ead aomdndaa is sot available im agytuea deeig„nated by ~ 9 as undergirotmd c6stidbwioa eras, <br />nor is aegr ~. ~~. a P being nerved from an tndatpvmrd svmee. <br />(T) Oa Costooaer reQrtest, and for m additiasel dtsrge, bmointirea eaa be installed oa wood poles Iargac that Hta stodatd, 30.fno; <br />des 6 awe, if the iocatim petmiq the nee d bedoettypa ogaiprnaot for mamniteg and savidegr-3~fod. does 5 pole 6or 31 <br />manta P~~4 ~'~-~ drse S pale far 42 sale pet t~ Other site pules. ar sltttceetea o!Oter tbtm. agordaM wood poke, <br />am be iadalled for an tnttra dhat~a etptel to 1.746 die estimated itaralled suet diBereooe btxntvem the tctpteeted pole <br />or s4[nctote, and a 30-foot; class 5 pok but sot lest tbaa lSS9 per tuot-th per pde ar stteetnre. Br~lcets longm than the <br />etaodsM leog8r of 30 ittdtes, hart toot ]eager >!>aa 20 f'~. can be installed svhet+e use ofi Ludcettyps er~pmat fs perni>:ad far <br />as aAta charge of 73 aimo~per titomth per btaeioet. <br />(g) ~Vhesie ttvo at tttut~e losirooQee swats itttde0ed far service 6efara ]doveoaber 12, 1981 0o the same pole a other steaedae, the <br />k dnnEes far eaeL lutstamite offer dram fbe fast wiU be teduoed 51.78. <br />(9) Loteieaitss Ioestiaos aboll be dessagmsdeal by the Castonaet~d svLat: aolp ea attrasioe- of seoottdary facilities ie requited 8rom <br />~ aem+dtt di~tttion source, tLe tads per bmtineane ht (A) shove sLaIl appiq. Wlsea the mmbet of regtdrod poles etoeeds the <br />ttotnber d Lusv>rita tn~nasled, a aaonOdy ~ taut lest then E 1.78 per stmtderd snood pole sLeF! be msde for hoaiaaires <br />installed for smvice bofaie i~Tovember 12. I991. A monthly dttuge of 55.70 per atattderd wood polo stall be mssde for <br />lmniatrira iashlkd tDr salvias after Nov®bea IZ, ]941. Wbeto any ir,sfallation tegmtp ax eataasion ofptitnerr faot~atia <br />soklp m salve tits lmmeaiait+et„ tm addidood trosrthly charge equal b 1.7~ of the esed sad od the primary eatnaion shell <br />be tttede. 5bodd say iostailrtiem rogaire guying of secaadaty fa~tiet, a ~ of 63 eattr per moth per guy shell be made. <br />(10) "3trbatbed' hrmimitesa era defined as etaodard NEMA-style li~CS with refi~actbts sad vortical-btaalag Iamps. "lJrban' <br />It~ndre are defined as "eelrrardyk" f»cttaas stfth etrclased tefative: or flat louses and horimsesal-btramtg <br />1'AYM>~iT <br />Balls under thin Slchesbtk ere dos esd payable an the date of the ba11 art t>m oi5ce of the Camt~potty, Bilbr an ~ doe and d'eliaquent . <br />an t3sa 8tla~ day atfnr Bic dace of the ba71.1f ~ bill is not so paid, the Ccempatry has the tight.ta snepesd resvioe. in additioq all <br />bills not pdd by ttie tswetiy~-fi01t day slier Poe dots of the bW shalt 6e wb~ea b a cue petoeot (lY.) lets paytaesst ebeege on the <br />~ arocimtr Tleis lab poyment dheege sLa1f be tss,deted at- dm fo>kaing moath'e bz'iland. it a6eQ become pelf d, sod be doe and <br />pa}wbk saidt, the bill txi ssgach et is tetdarod, ~ . <br />The origiael term of oontrect may be trams a taiaimota d otre pear to s matdmma of 20 years. Coofnrds wiII cnettitinte oiler the <br />origimt term mtir7 desttt6teted by athear party on thirty dsys' writka notice, and the: Catspany msy togtiire a ~a itot to eACeed <br />one-half of 8ia avemra for the aaigiml tears. TLa deposit we7l~ba rststmesd at the end d ~e original lemma, Pt'o*~ ~ ~uomet Las <br />met a41 provieiow of the cam~ctl~nfmom tam of aamtsct for opedfie sictratioas shaD be: - <br />(a) ~ ~~ insmlled at a teaidsoce: and desi~ by tLe Comer ore stdnd,Qd, post top and 6tsdreta~soomad <br />[b) momteed on ataadatd O0t itutaAad at< a tesidmce and deaig~saAed by the Catapamy as stsadsed, p~ mP ~ bracket <br />1~ <br />(c) Tor Yeats ff ooC aQ lomct~airee dsaanotod by the Company as deoarativeti and for all etands~ Iamiasires awon~od on imports <br />other ltea etordetd srooil poke, and forpmawy etteadana saleip serving Ste lttmimdtes. <br />(d) Ttvtsaty years far a1! lmosinita a ttpppcuts desigpated by the: Campan)r ns non-atatede:d. <br />1!Qordt Carolina l'Lfiteaglt ltoviied ll.eef Nor 32 <br />Effiecdive far service an and alter Atsgast 19, 1999 <br />21C[JC Docloet No. &7, Sub 6a,2 <br />Order dated Jane 22,1999 <br />3~ <br />(~) <br />