Orange County NC Website
[9191 644-u~4d r•~ <br />MRR 21 2003 12:35PM ORRNGE COUNTY BOCC <br />(Scleednb PL (NCj Caatianed) 2 ~ ' <br />APFRaVBD F[3Fd. CIfARt3B ,kDlpS'1'I+D:NTS J <br />'the Company's approved foil ~ ad~ntmanb. if'sny, pursuant to North Carotins C3eaesal3tatabi i2-133.2, witi apply to all <br />vice snppiied C this Schedak. The a~sdy approved sdjnsOmertts are deluded ie t~be Rate above. <br />EXPLANATORY NOTES . <br />m The instalbdon of bn~aloet-nwunted Anmins~ is (A) abovs ia~uda: the company's 40-foot, standend wrood poke <br />(a) Wood.polea bogs than 40 tea, or structures other than standard wood pokx, maybe iosta>!ed for ate extra taontbly charge <br />«juat to ].7yL of the estmtsted estalled oust ddI'ereace between the luaeiorces and erFnct,aa regaested, and equivalent <br />huninaires and standard piles. and such extra cbatse shau not be less than T5.59 per month. par pubs or other straatace. <br />(b) The Caaspaay's standard meat street 5ahting pops may ba eeatellod for an extra monthly eharje of 55.59 per manta per pole. <br />(e) The Company's ata>rder+d instal pole may be installed far an extra manffily ~ oil' SSS9 phis I.?4!i of des <br />rstiasaled isstalbd t:ast d betwxse the tegnated pa>fe and the Company's standard natal sheet ligltdna pole, pax <br />mantas pa pub:. The stsat+drad aaebl coast-seta pole may bs 9nstalled w>aotrt a lanristairo for a mon~r charge of:7.36 phta <br />t .7'aG adtbe atbnabed i»shYed coat dita'ereece baawreas the requested pole and tbs. Carrapaay'e afrmderd taattal asned ti6btiti8 <br />p~ <br />(d) Stattdard wood poles and gays maybe peo~vided d the same clearga as m (3) bebw when provided softly m eappost trntTrc <br />. augnals. <br />(2) Saarvbe ~ onerbeid csa-ductoss ie trot tnasTable bs sspr area deaiynated by the Company m tmdagstrtmd distriirotion area, nor <br />b ~Y +~. . or premises bains served from as ttmletrgt~~aad stsmYx. Thane wni ba no atdrs ebarSe far nndst8totaed . <br />aoeductors m hratioeitet installed k arrow where the Caapaaty art its own optiam her determined that nadaxBranad &stribataon <br />iirciikies ahoald bo itaxalled. <br />' (3)For anon outside municipal limits: Lowdaa of the lnmieaire or h-minairea m areas outside arF mtmieipai nmib ahan be <br />deaiSeated by d-e Cnabomea hat the loaaation mast be withla the d~ex evhielt aaan bs ta:ached by a fatcoadary wdeoaim fig tbre <br />Company's nesrost distnbntaam fac9Mies. Sbou]d the number of poles is the secandery aarfeaaiat regtrirtd to nerve the <br />bmma>ta(s) exaxed be number of poles ~ whiob bsacloet-nonmed laminates are iasfJled~ a masrthir chlQgo of 51.78 pa pole <br />ah8g be made for suds tnt~oess tmstater of poles. Should the iatsddltlian btt:lnde doraragays oT spragnys, a chor=e ut L.b3 per <br />month per 8QY shall be roads. Whets We iodalLllan regnettod ttiqulrss a prisnary.extaesion solely m serve the htmiitsiree, en <br />. aulatAioreal rnanthly cbargp of 1.7X 6f the atiaseted cost of the primary extension wiB be anode. <br />(4)Ail facrlitica aaaxssaty for service tinder thin Schednbs, ladadieg fhdures, lamp,, contmla, poles. hardware, traersftitmers, <br />oondgttots, and clharspportenanees shall be t>.voed and ma®tamed by the Carl-paey. <br />(S) Clear mnrcnry vapor lamp ors standard egtripmaeat in all tneronry vapor hrmiteaiarea above. Cobrm-pmved buapa aaa tie <br />supplied for ae extra die of 73 amen pax bttop per mtonth. <br />(6)Wbea two a mare latabiaites ors instrvlsd on the same pub err other etructtae, the applicable monthly chargr fvr eaeclf <br />lsminab: ota>cr than the fast win be iedn0ed t 1.7E. <br />(7)"Snbtsrban" lnssinahes tae deffied uya~tm~d_ar~dyNBlr(A-irtyk Sodares wnit-h. rnfrsctYors nil verlical~barai~ )ter. "Urban" <br />brttur~ ate det7nod y °axebrtatyb" iirrtmee RAIL ealaled refraCtiVe of ilat 1r~0aea fnd hg baspa. <br />PAYIn18N1' <br />Bills under this ScLadnla era due end payable rm the date of the bib art the office of the Ceaopany. Bins are past doe and dcibtqutnt <br />oa tare t3tbseath day tiEa thti dads of the 6t11: ff tutY biII ie not so paid. taee CompmY has the tigW to mspead tetvitx. In addition, atl <br />bi9t not paid by the day eRat the date aaP the bt7! t~ lie aayect to a nine panxat (flit) btta patyaaent char~a ~ the <br />unpaid ama>{mk Ibis bee payment tdtarge sba0 be tendaaed on the foIIawing month's b111 and it ahaIl became part of, astd be due and <br />payable with, the Iran an which it ii rasdettsd. <br />CONTRACt PERIOD <br />The tam ~of tra>lhact tttay be tram a mmimetu of three yews ~ a maximum of 20 yeah. Cantraets wtU eontimre after the <br />aaei6ie>tl term nntii taam6aeoed by asitha party as thirty days' writtaa notiax, and the Company may regnie a deposit not ro exceed <br />aae~aff of the revaaae far the eaigieal term. The deposit wr~l ba t+ebased a< the and of the ad8mal berm, prravided the Caatxrmer hoe <br />met ad prmdsions of the ooattrck taro of noeutsaet for spaeific sidtations shop br. <br />(a) Threw years for atIl lnmioeues desigQ»sed as shndgd by tha Company and 6aaclcet-tnonntsd an shntbid poir~ <br />(b) Tan yearn for all laaninabea desi8aabd as decarariR by the Company, and Pa' aR atrandud lmnbadt+as maasntad on aae}eports <br />otatx than modard wood polo, nail for primary extana3ont sorely aervma the luminaires. <br />(c) Twaety yaxm far all Inmomh+a at eapportt deaignemed as aen.ata>Waed by the Campamy. ~ - <br />North Carotins Fifteeatb RevLad Leaf Nei. 34 <br />bRedhe for service on wad atfltr ~ 1.2002 <br />NCLTC Dodoast No. &7, Snb 708 <br />Order dated lusse 25.2002 <br />