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[9191 g~F9~-uc-rv r <br />MRR 21 2003 12:34PM ORANGE COUNTY $OCC <br />30 <br />S. such should be considered and peraritted iii order to elimunaae <br />duplication of facilities and unnecessary additional ~~• <br />631.6-L• 'Ibe so~ettt is uacleu and clari~i°n is needed for what is meant by "AaY <br />light nip be placed in such a manner that no light emitting surface is hsible from <br />nay r area or publirlpaivare roadway, way, trad or other public way when <br />'vieanod at end Icvel' mews. Since the light emoting surface of lap fimtike is visible froaa <br />ground kv~d whest standing beneath that fiatvre, it is questionable as to whether this <br />standard, as wrAx+ea and comprehended, can be met <br />631.T-A This sxtian appears to offer a sound and workable guideline rho c~a and should <br />be the f amdatio~a far the quire w+dinance and which would gua~rai~e an ordinance ro <br />which it is easyto canaply and which is effective both in the desired resblt and in cost to <br />adLl11ii15tCl. <br />631.7-B: A moudmrma mfg height of 36 feet is a reasonable standud and this haght <br />wig be benrfiaal is minimii~g the numlxr of lid needed m ~ a 1;~ arez ~ well <br />as enable rrnilti7ane roadways and other areas tin be effeccivelg an4l econamicallYlit. Italso <br />paavides the fle~6iTap oeerled to provide tf ie proper~h tliig 7ononnmag heig~it avhea the <br />grAde at the light 's location is s~ficandy kraPer than the gxade of the iatcnded <br />ar~e.h as a road~vapruz~ to a davrnln~l bank), <br />b3L12 D '171e pta6ibirion oa Ma+cvey Vapor hwninaires is of oancera.~. Mercury Vapor <br />ligbiing is the low cost optjwa for consumers based on the North Caroling Unliip <br />Cosnmissio~a~pproved~rate schedules. ~ . <br />~Pe ask thu you~e eoosidaatian to the moons, c~nae<as, amd neooinmendwians ofb~d in <br />tlris response to the laoosat ditift of li~mg standards. We stand ready to w+aak with the Con~.y <br />on d~.welopitig standards that paoHide saf ety, seonrity, t+educed spillavex s~nrl glary and at a <br />rabic ~ wlnlc at the same titre Wniung tale potential legal ~itp of the Town. P9nse <br />ns if pvu have questions ar oono~ns.. <br /> <br />Rosi t?sboaae, Pte.: <br />Durchaaa, B>adiag~poia && t~lapd I-~ Servioc Area <br />Duke Power Company ... <br />Copy: j~ I~Jr• ~ • ~ . . <br /> <br />