Agenda - 06-17-2003-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-17-2003
Agenda - 06-17-2003-9c
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8/29/2008 3:37:05 PM
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8/29/2008 10:48:09 AM
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2 -~' .. <br />1 ~~ <br />®~ ~ Bakers from <br />our uestion it would probably be answered by the first two sp <br />1 "Regarding y q. ` that from Duke Power's perspective and my <br />ers ective. I would say va or, high <br />2 their concerns of, and their p P e of li ht, as far as metal halide, mercury p <br />3 professional experiences that the typ g differently. Of <br />ssure sodium, low pressure sodium is a lot of till des gned to do something ference, <br />4 pre <br />5 esthetics, you know the color rendition. Each one <br />e the metal halide, the bright white light, is wh on iska d eq~ipme t it is also the mos <br />6 cours <br />~ expensive from the standpoint of maintenance, ma licatian or the use of fixtures that are <br />g er app <br />9 "The light trespass issue is more of improp <br />- ff fixtures because when the light projects belo de And you carinsee awsmall point <br />10 not the cut o <br />11 down on the surface intended. It's alshrele College Observator?] you be up on the hills in <br />12 of light for miles away. Again, from [T <br />Alamance County and see those lights for miles an o eicted on the roadway. iYou could <br />13 southern <br />but if you had the cut-off lens, it would <br />14 there is no moisture in the air. It's not the light that s e g P miles away. I think it's the <br />15 have the same type lights, same wattage and everything, <br />16 be down on the roadway and not that point of light that you see from <br />17 application, the type of fixture, that's the biggest offender." Does it mean that <br />18 ~ "And what about the efficiency? That's what I was, I mean <br />19 Ms (Price • 1 <br />we have several low wattage, I mean, would we h ed to hav ng ay al lesser amou nhof theres <br />20 <br />21 for a certain area. What would that cost ag compar <br />r li hts but with the proper shieldin if you don't have the domes.."[she wasn t speaking <br />22 brighte g <br />23 into the mic sa I couldn't hear everything she said.J <br />24 oint, you are usually better off having a lot of low wattage <br />25 Ron Osborne From a lighting design p ratio. It's the ratio of the brightest area to <br />26 lights because that helps what Is called the uniformity oles. You <br />27 the darkest area. But oftentimes if your intoathiag more poled stting m somebody's yard, <br />28 know that's more things for a car to a owner bu rights, and very understandably doesn't <br />Y <br />29 especially if it's a street project. The prop -tY that's <br />t a ole in their front yard, then you can't sometimes shift a pole fifty feet so it's not right in <br />30 wan p <br />31 front of their house because then it throws ous and braicket ngths and e~eryth ng else,o~ <br />32 why there's a vanety of fixtures and pole size <br />33 because one size does not fit all. <br />34 the Department of Transportation requires <br />35 "To give you an example, on State highway onion of light falling on the DOT highway <br />36 alighting encroachment, just like they would. Any p es and <br />has to be approved just like a pole sitting in a right of of different fixtures and Ilghti 9 tyP ake <br />37 there is a lot of varieties <br />3g one size fit all. So that's why <br />everything else. But the one basic common thread hat but the gains fromithehel'Imination of that <br />39 <br />40 fixtures. It will impact adversely the spacing some erience, and I think the experience of like the <br />41 point source of light, being an irritant, from my exp <br />42 City of Charlotte and other large municipalities is that it is worth it." <br />43 <br />44 Nicole Gooding - Ray "Ok. Are there any further questions? <br />45 <br />46 "Is there a motion?" <br />47 <br />4g Chair Brown "I move that we refer this to the Planning Board and return it to the Board o <br />49 Commissioners no later than May 20 . <br />50 <br />
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