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9 ~~~a <br />uld see from satellites going around the earth. And I ~~ <br />1 Efland, which you can, I would think you co this to <br />2 would hope that when we get to the point that we have something adopted that we bring <br />the attention of our Division Engineer and express our concerns because that's a real shame <br />3 <br />4 what they've done right in the middle of the County. <br />5 <br />6 "And another egregious example would be Bui din s andoLands api g ! f you~llcould j 9 t <br />7 on Old 86. I wonder if under 6.31.11 -Lighting On 9 <br />review that section and think about that bank, and think unnecessary I'tyht all night ly covers the <br />8 <br />9 gluttony that's involved in the bathing of that bwlding in <br />10 est that on 6.31.9c: I think you want to say, "shall not <br />11 "And also, I would just like to sugg <br />12 exceed one hour after the end of the event." <br />13 <br />14 "Thank you." <br />15 <br />16 Moses Care , Jr. "I heard one of { ne sp amortizat on of ex sting I'ghtinguwas' dealt with in the <br />17 admiring the way the existing Itgh g <br />1 g Ordinance, but I heard someone, °the wa uweive dealgwith itnin here SAnd I th nk I heard you <br />19 Amortization Schedule rather than Y <br />20 (word I couldn't understand, maybe, "speak")favorably of the way it was dealt with in here. <br />21 <br />22 "Does any of the other speakers have any comments on whether one or the other o <br />23 those approaches..." <br />24 <br />25 Man Spoke up from the Audience in Response to Commissioner C~ry: "Let me just clari my <br />26 statement." <br />27 <br />28 Nicole Gooding - RaY "If you could come to the podium to do that. I'm sorry." <br />29 <br />30 Ron Osborne ? "Ideally, an amortized peri edlin f isthat it is much more important t Beta good <br />31 would be a wonderful thing. My personal fe g <br />32 ordinance on the books at this stage of our devek out a If ou' sta breaching into people's ' I don't <br />33 see any of those issues that are not easy to wo Y <br />34 pocketbooks, [or? over?] fixtures that they've had over a number of years and pushing them, <br />35 you're going to get some vocal opposition. To me it'sT'ruce vmi ~k~ Pare of itself. You know that <br />36 contain the growth of bad lighting in Orange County. <br />37 the International Dark Skies made a huge effo~ ~ trof ttin tit But what happens sl that ind think is <br />38 an impossible task and they didn t even do ~t y 9 <br />39 Manhattan because of the aggressive r etaieidesi ned and every time t s renovated,et has to <br />40 windows are redesigned; store fronts a 9 <br />41 conform. Within ten years they did an unbelievn blP ound Manhattan s stilllnlontconform ng~That <br />42 Manhattan. Of course, the problem is everythi g ersonal feeling is <br />43 was the reason I sa- nt tot et th saon the books andfunctionaltantd protect us from what could <br />44 that it is very importa 9 <br />45 happen in a rapid developing period without any ordinance." <br />46 <br />47 Moses Carey, Jr. "So you don't think we have a perfect world here?" <br />48 <br />49 Ron Osborne "No " (Laughed) <br />50 <br />51 Moses Carey. Jr. "Thank you." <br />