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5 ~ ~ ~. '6 <br />1 to be trying to look at. And the way this works is like all thvel of the fixturearAnd sotl orllight-off <br />2 fixtures. Basically they do not let the light go above the le <br />3 pollution purposes that keeps the light e{ f O~t endi Is up ncthe ky and also saves you a~whole <br />4 the fixture off the pavement and keeps ~ 9 g o back a <br />5 lot of light, saves you a lot ofVeo '~ waA to put outhn this parka g lot instea'dhof t ese acorns that <br />6 couple, and this is what you <br />7 basically emit light almost 360 degrees just spray it up in the air. <br />8 <br />9 "The 3~d one which shows that even for a regular parking lot you can put a fixture in a <br />10 box so that if you are back far enough swan either from above or these k nd lofhnte'9nally 9t ing <br />11 down. Then you have two options for a s g there are a bunch of them at <br />12 signs that work really well. Then there are the bad fixtures, <br />13 Easttown, then the wall pack, #2, If driving down 40, look behind Harris Teeter Chapel Hill <br />14 North, the whole highway is lit up by these things. <br />15 <br />16 "And then you can get the totally ugly effect, which you can get by driving straight bac <br />17 towards Chapel Hill, just as you coe en th 5vcountry where~they do not have a comprehensive <br />18 pollution is a problem m most pla <br />19 Ordinance and that includes Orange County. <br />20 <br />21 "So we have got a good start on the Ordinance. Then given that it is kind o a no- <br />22 brainer, all you want is light where eciate the work tha has already gonea nto~that'nFor this to <br />23 moving right along and I really app <br />24 actually be a success this is kind of likesa ctolnstin thehtowns and at the unive sity would be'ng <br />25 the same things happening m other fur <br />26 something I wou{d want to motivate. So t thhs and cou d get omeluniformity on theseuth ngsde <br />27 working group for a little while working on <br />28 that would be great. <br />29 <br />30 "One thing just occurred to me, it is possible to even light ball fields and things t a you <br />31 would think would just have to create thisS like that Irehtty tolerable inghe neighborhood t Soywe <br />32 can make even ball fields and big facilit e P <br />33 can actually bring back the stars in to S Hess. And I know t takes'a while foblOrdinanlc sand the <br />34 astronomers were being put out of bu <br />35 life-cycle of these fixtures to go th facgif tiesUtoes, I thi k th t sesometh ng thatrcan just'betdone <br />36 pollution approaches m all county 9 <br />37 by the people that are planning the facilities. <br />38 <br />39 "And I would realty encourage that and the last thing that I want to ask for is that we ge <br />40 a referral on this Ordinance so that we can take a look at it officially for the Commission for the <br />41 Environment. <br />42 <br />43 "And on a completely different topic,these CDsroverl the~e thatOwere aCesul o that (five oar six) <br />44 grant last year and there ~s a pile of <br />45 and they are for you all. Thank you very much.° <br />46 <br />47 Bill Walser. "Hi, I am Bill Walser, a resident of Orange County. I am alife-time member of the <br />48 International Dark Sky Association which basically made the presentation. I am an amateur <br />49 astronomer, I have a private observatory just off Dodson's Cross Roads where I do deep space <br />50 imaging. It's a university quality facility and there are a number of other amateur astronomers in <br />51 the area, who until just recently have enjoyed very dark skies. <br />