Agenda - 10-03-2005-5m
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-03-2005
Agenda - 10-03-2005-5m
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8/29/2008 10:48:05 AM
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2005 S Housing - J-Quad and Associates, LLC- Consultant Services - Ten (10) Year Plan to End Homelessness
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2005
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III. PROJECT APPROACH, PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY <br />1. Research and Review of Ten Year Plans from similar communities <br />Ten-Year Plans to Eliminate Homelessness developed for comparable communities <br />would be selected based on the demographics and characteristics of the homeless <br />population.. The Homeless Action Plans for counties comparable to Orange County and <br />town/cities comparable to the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough would <br />be reviewed. The review would also extend to homelessness in North Carolina and the <br />U,S. The review of the documents would focus on: <br />a, Nature of homelessness. <br />b. Extent of homelessness. <br />c, Reasons for homelessness. <br />d, Factors contributing to homelessness. <br />e. Cost of homelessness. <br />f. Inventory and gaps in homeless services. <br />g. Steps involved in ending homelessness. <br />h, Implementation and accomplishments. <br />2. Process Design Work Sessions and Interviews <br />Process Design Work Sessions would be held to formulate and refine the methodology to <br />conduct the study. The work sessions acquire input from key stakeholders in the <br />community. Community leaders, members of homeless service organizations, Orange <br />County staff, and staff from the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, and <br />other key persons from within the county would be interviewed to gather input into the <br />process design, The following are the tasks that would be accomplished in this phase: <br />a. Meet with County and City staff to initiate the project. <br />b. Refine the methodology and public participation process with staff. <br />c, Identify key stakeholders. <br />d, Identify available data sources within the county and the cities. <br />e, Collect and review existing plans and reports. <br />f Hold a Process Design Work Session with City and County staff and key <br />stakeholders to refine the methodology <br />g. Develop strategies for an area-wide survey and data collection effort. <br />h. Develop a timeline associated with the tasks. <br />3. Development of Process Design <br />From the initial work sessions involving the key stakeholders, a detailed process design <br />would be generated to develop aTen-Year Plan to End Homelessness and a Marketing <br />and Implementation Strategy. The Process Design would be distributed to various <br />shelters, homeless service providers, and key members of the conununity to educate and <br />inform the community regarding the process. The Process Design would be distributed <br />through County and Town websites and news papers.. The process design would reflect <br />the basic elements of a plan to end homelessness provided by the National Alliance to <br />End Homelessness (NAEH) as listed below: <br />
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