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In July 2005, Orange County, on behalf of the Partnership, issued a Request for Proposals <br />(RFP) from qualified housing consultants to provide project administration services far the Ten <br />Year Plan development process. Three (3) proposals were received on August 19, 2005. The <br />respondents were: <br />1. J-Quad and Associates, LLC <br />2. Starfire Consulting & Ananse Consulting (partnership) <br />3. All American Associates <br />Upon receipt of proposals, members of a subcommittee of the Partnership reviewed the <br />proposals based on the following evaluation criteria. <br />• Demonstrated prior experience authoring housing plans, particularly multi-jurisdiction <br />consortium plans. <br />• Strong background in current conditions data analysis. <br />• Experience meeting with and working with a variety of constituencies, agencies, non- <br />profits, and governmental bodies. <br />• Thorough understanding of procedures as outlined in this request for proposals. <br />• Reasonableness of projected expenses and allocated time. <br />• Financial capability to carry out the work program. <br />Based on this evaluation criterion, as well as discussions with firm principals regarding the <br />ability to meet the partnership's expectation that the firm ensure extensive community <br />involvement in the planning process, the Partnership recommends contracting with J-Quad and <br />Associates, LLG at a cost of $51,270. The consultant agrees to complete the Ten Year Plan to <br />End Homelessness by October 31, 2006. <br />As additional information, J-Quad has worked with numerous communities across the country in <br />the development of housing strategies including homeless strategies. Most recently, J-Quad <br />has developed a Seven Year Plan to End Homelessness for the City of Corpus Christi and <br />Nueces County, Texas. That plan is attached to this abstract and is also available at <br /> on the Internet. <br />The scope of work for the Orange County Ten Year Plan is more fully described in the attached <br />proposal summary. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The contract cost totals $51,270. As part of the fiscal year 2005-06 <br />budget, Commissioners approved an appropriation of $18,000 for Orange County's contribution <br />to the Partnership to End Homelessness Initiative. At the September 7, 2005 meeting, the <br />Board accepted the receipt of additional funds totaling $32,000 from our project partners (Town <br />of Chapel Hill [$18,450], Town of Garrboro [$6,300], Town of Hillsborough [$2,250], and <br />Triangle United Way [$5,000]) bringing the total initiative budget to $50,000. Since that time, <br />Triangle united Way has agreed to contribute an additional $5,000 towards this initiative. The <br />receipt of these funds will be included on a budget amendment that is planned for the October <br />18, 2005 BOCC meeting. With the additional funding from Triangle United Way, the initiative <br />budget totals $55,000. Funds remaining after the contract is paid would be used for additional <br />project expenses. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board award a contract for <br />consulting services to J-Quad and Associates, LLC for the development of a Ten Year Plan to <br />End Homelessness in Orange County and authorize the Chair to sign the document contingent <br />upon final review by the County Attorney. <br />