Agenda - 10-03-2005-5m
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-03-2005
Agenda - 10-03-2005-5m
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8/29/2008 10:48:05 AM
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2005 S Housing - J-Quad and Associates, LLC- Consultant Services - Ten (10) Year Plan to End Homelessness
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2005
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I1 <br />(v) Analysis of Service Levels Mandated by Government Entities <br />A review of service levels mandated by goverrunent entities would be conducted. <br />Data would be obtained pertaining to the service levels for programs assisting <br />persons experiencing homelessness that are mandated at the local, regional, or <br />state level. Discharge planning practices at the state and local levels would be <br />examined to assess the needs of discharge management practices in the county <br />and the three towns. <br />(vi) Cost Analysis of Flomelessness <br />Costs associated with the provision of housing and/or services for the homeless <br />population would be calculated based on various studies conducted at national, <br />regional, or state levels. These housing and service costs will be compared to <br />services utilized by unsheltered homeless persons or unsheltered homeless <br />persons with a special needs. From the above analysis the additional cost per <br />person to provide shelter and services would be calculated to assess the costs of <br />intervention. <br />(vii) Analysis of Potential Funding Sources <br />A survey of various community-based organizations would be conducted to <br />estimate the current level of funding to the homeless for Orange County and for <br />the three towns by income source, Based on the existing funding and need for <br />funding, potential funding sources would be identified to address the needs of <br />homeless populations. <br />5. Identification of Recurring Service Themes <br />Based on the research and interviews "recurring service themes" affecting the lives of <br />persons experiencing homelessness are identified. These recurring themes are the <br />services that are in high usage by the homeless population and the various subpopulations <br />in the conununity. These recurring themes also represent those services which address the <br />needs of homeless populations in five to ten years. Examples of service themes could <br />include supportive housing services and facilities, outreach, substance abuse treatment <br />services, prevention and intervention or early intervention. <br />6. Plan and Convene Public Forums and Worlc Groups <br />Based on the identified recurring themes, focus group participants would be clustered <br />into three or more work groups, Public forums or focus groups would be conducted for <br />each of the work areas. Each work group in the respective focus group session would <br />brainstorm and discuss service needs, funding, and public policies that are directly or <br />indirectly effecting the services. These work group sessions would propose and <br />recommend goals, strategies, and actions that may enhance or improve the services <br />pertaining to their work area. <br />11 <br />
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