Orange County NC Website
10 <br />b. Reasons for homelessness in Orange County and the Towns of Carrboro, <br />Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough. <br />a Factors contributing to homelessness in Orange County and the Towns of <br />Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough. <br />d. The design of the existing Continuum of Care system and evaluation of <br />service systems. <br />e, Inventory of emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent <br />supportive housing for individuals and families experiencing <br />homelessness. <br />f. Service coordination and data collection systems, <br />g, Community goals and implementation plans to resolve service issues. <br />h, Public/private partnerships in order to support community goals, <br />(ii) Analysis of the Current Homeless Population <br />For this analysis the data would be reviewed from the following two sources: <br />Gaps Analysis <br />Various sources including Continuum of Care reports from Orange <br />County and the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough would <br />be used to develop the Gaps Analysis chart which compares existing <br />services and beds to homeless population need. Any data that is required <br />to complete the Gaps Analysis would be gathered from the service <br />providers, shelters, and respective agencies. <br />Homeless Census and Point-in-Tiure sarvey <br />If the county or the three towns have conducted a homeless census or <br />point-in-time survey, the data would be obtained to assess the current <br />homeless population.. If adequate data are available, the counts would be <br />projected to five to ten years to assess the projected needs for various <br />homeless services. <br />(iii) Analysis of the Supply of Services <br />An inventory of homeless residential programs and support services would be <br />obtained from the Continuum of Care, Data would be gathered pertaining to the <br />services including emergency shelters, transitional housing, and permanent <br />supportive housing for homeless and special needs populations, The availability <br />of various services including counseling, substance abuse treatment, HN/AIDS, <br />services for physically and mentally disabled, youth services,,job training, and <br />outreach would be enumerated to assess the supply of services in the community, <br />(iv) Analysis of the Current Ability of Provider Agencies to Expand Services <br />Service providers in the community would be interviewed or would be engaged in <br />work groups to evaluate their service capacity and changes occurring in service <br />levels as a result of funding cut-backs. The capacity of service providers to <br />improve or increase the services would be assessed. <br />10 <br />