Orange County NC Website
f - <br />Ct <br />INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR A GROUP SELF- INSURANCE FUND FOR <br />WORKERS' COMPENSATION <br />RISK SHARING OR GROUP PURCHASE OF COVERAGE <br />This Agreement is made and entered into t* and between all the parties who are now or may <br />hereafter become Members of this Joint Agency and join in a group fund for risk sharing and/or group <br />purchase of coverage, which Agency is acting by and through its Board of Trustees as provided <br />herein. <br />ARTICLE L <br />PURPOSE <br />1." To carry out the desire of certain counties of the State of North Carolina to create and become . <br />the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Joint Risk Management, Agency d.b.a. NCACC <br />Workers' Compensation Pool, hereafter called the Pool, and to enable these counties to pool <br />the retention of their risks, liabilities and/or payments, or for the group purchase of coverage, - <br />pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes 153A- 92(d), 153A- 445(a)(1) and <br />16OA -460 through 160A -464. <br />2. To create a Board of Trustees to direct the affairs of the Pool and to describe the <br />responsibilities of the Board. <br />3. To provide for the discharge, from the assets of the Pool, and/or from funds collected from <br />self- funded members, and through excess or other insurance purchased by the Pool, of any a) <br />insurance premiums, and b) any lawful workers' compensation claims against any member of <br />the Pool, which awards have been sustained by final judgment where suit shall have been filed , <br />or by the rules of the Pool if settlement is made before suit Is filed. <br />4. To provide for payment by members of the Pool of contributions based upon appropriate <br />classifications, rates, experience modifications, or other methodologies, out of a portion of <br />which the Pool will establish and maintain a fund for the payment of covered claims, losses <br />and the administrative costs of operating the pool. <br />ARTICLE II. <br />EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION <br />Any member who formally applies for membership in this Pool and is accepted by the Board of <br />Trustees shall thereupon become a party to this Agreement and be bound by all of the terms and <br />conditions thereof, and such application shall constitute a part of this Agreement. The Agreement <br />shall remain in force until terminated by the Board of Trustees. <br />interlocal Agreement Page 1 of 5 <br />Amended December 12, 2002 , <br />