Orange County NC Website
RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AND TO JOIN <br />THE NORTH CAROLINA COUNITES LIABILITY AND. PROPERTY JOINT RISK <br />MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ <br />WHEREAS, desires to protect <br />(county or local agency) <br />against liability claims and property losses and to provide for payment of claims <br />or losses for which the county may be liable; <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Counties _ Liability and Property Joint Risk <br />Management.Agency.d.b.a. NCACC Liability and Property Pool; hereafter called <br />the Pool, has been established pursuant to G.S. §153A -445 (a)(1) and G.S. §160 -A-460 <br />through §160A -464; and <br />WHEREAS, it is desirable for to join <br />(county or local agency) <br />the Pool to provide a method of risk sharing and/or group purchase of coverage; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of <br />hereby adopts the interlocal agreement entitled "Interlocal <br />Agreement for a Group Self- Insurance Fund for Liability and Property Risk Sharing or. <br />Group Purchase of Coverage" and thereby joins and agrees to participate In the NCACC <br />1-lability & Property Pool which has been formed to create a group fund to pay and <br />service the liability claims and property losses of the counties and other local agencies <br />joining the Pool <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that is <br />(county official) <br />authorized to execute the application to join the NCACC Liability a Property Pool <br />This the day of , 20`. <br />Attest: <br />Clerk Chair <br />County <br />Board of Commissioners <br />