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Trustees. The Administrator and the Service Contractor(s) and the Board of Trustees may <br />renegotiate such fees from time to time as mutually agreed upon. <br />ARTICLE VL 4 <br />CONTRIBUIJONS AND AUDITS <br />1. The Board of Trustees shall determine contributions to the Pool by individual members. The <br />Board of Trustees shall have the discretion to modify the contributions as may be necessary to <br />maintain the soundness of the Pool. The Board of Trustees is authorized to determine the <br />method and timing of payment.of contributions to the Pool and the method and timing of the. <br />distribution of any Fund Balance, with due regard for the interests of the members and the <br />financial security of the Fund: <br />2. A certified public accounting firm shall audit the Pool annually'. The Board of Trustees shall <br />obtain an appropriate actuarial evaluation of the loss and loss adjustment expense reserves of <br />the Pool including an estimate of losses . and loss adjustment expenses incurred but not e <br />reported (IBNR). <br />3. The Pool and any agency having jurisdiction by law shall each be permitted to examine and <br />audit the members' payroll records, general ledger, disbursements, vouchers, contracts, tax <br />reports, and all other books, documents and records of any and every kind at any reasonable <br />time during the Contract period and any extension thereof and within three years after <br />termination of the Contract, as far as they show or tend to show or verify the amount of <br />remuneration or other contribution basis, or relate to the subject matter of this Contract. <br />ARTICLE VII. <br />OWNERSHIP OF REAL PROPERTY <br />In the event of dissolution of the Pool, the ownership and disposition of rear property shall be <br />determined by the Board of Trustees. - <br />ARTICLE VIII. <br />CANCELLATION <br />Cancellation and refunds of contributions shall be governed by the Participation Agreement. <br />ARTICLE IX. <br />AMENDMENT OF THE AGREEMENT <br />The Board of Trustees is authorized to make any changes or amendments to this Agreement that <br />would not fundamentally alter the contemplated Agreement. This Agreement may be amended by <br />action of its members in the following manner: Any amendment shall be proposed by the Board of <br />Trustees and submitted in writing to each of the members. A proposed Amendment shall be adopted <br />R approved by a simple majority vote of the members. <br />Interiocal Agreement Page 4 of 5, <br />Amended December 12, 2002 <br />