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4 <br />2. The Department shall provide agreed upon medical direction and clinician services <br />in compliance with State and Federal guidelines and program rules for the following <br />programs: family planning (FP), prenatal care (PNC), child health (CH), adolescent <br />health (ADOL), tuberculosis (TB), sexually transmitted disease (STD), general <br />communicable disease control (GEN), adult health preventive services (AH/HP), and <br />Jail Health (JH). Clinical duties shall include: <br />a. Collaborative development and approval of clinic protocols; for the mutual <br />benefit of the Department, OCHD and its prenatal patients, it is agreed by both <br />parties that prenatal patients will be managed according to OCHD established <br />protocols. These will be reviewed annually and be consistent with protocols <br />used at UNC Department of OB/GYN and Family Medicine outlying clinics. <br />b. Primary medical supervision of the nurse practitioners who are employees of the <br />OC H D; <br />c. Co-signing charts of patients seen by new nurse practitioners of the OCHD <br />within five (5) working days for at least the first six months of their practice, and <br />face-to-face consultation on a weekly basis for the first month after approval and <br />at least monthly for the succeeding five months; <br />d. Routine medical services during scheduled on-site clinic times and Jail Sick Call <br />as requested, including documentation of clinical services per OCHD protocol; <br />Jail Sick Call will be requested only after exhausting all other attempts to staff <br />sick call with regular and temporary FNP personnel. <br />e. Medical consultation visits to OCHD patients during scheduled on-site clinic <br />times; <br />f. Continuing education consultation for nurse practitioners and other staff to <br />include regular informal consultation and periodic formal sessions as <br />appropriate. <br />3. The Chair of the Department shall designate the name of the Medical Director and <br />the names of any physicians who will provide clinical services. The Medical <br />Director shall be board certified in Family Medicine or an equivalent certification. <br />