Orange County NC Website
ORANGE ENTERPRISE' SERVICE DEFINITIONS <br />Services: <br />is <br />Vocational Evaluation: The purpose of an evaluation is to assess a person's current skills, <br />interests, functional limitations, strengths, and barriers to employment. Evaluations consist of <br />standardized testing as well as observation in different work settings. These may include job- <br />sites in the community as well as at Orange Enterprise (OE). The length of the evaluation <br />will be determined by the individual needs of the client. <br />Work Adjustments Services: These services can be provided at OE, on a volunteer site, or on <br />a temporary job site. The services include job club, skills training (problem solving, resume <br />writing, interviewing, meeting employer expectations), and the opportunity to practice good <br />work habits. <br />Placement Services: Placement services include a wide array of services, which are <br />individualized to meet the needs of the client. These services include job development, <br />placement, job coaching, advocacy with employers, resume writing, interview skills training, <br />devising and implementing strategies to overcome barriers to employment, and community <br />resource training. <br />Job Retention Services: The purpose of job retention service is to provide the client with the <br />long-term support needed to stay on a job after stabilization. Some of the services provided in <br />job retention are support visits with client; job site visits with employers, networking services, <br />career planning, and problem solving skills training. These services also tailored to meet the <br />specific needs of the client. <br />Reimbursement <br />Orange Enterprises will be reimbursed based for expenditures as outlined in this contract in <br />the Purchase Contract Budget. Verification of expenditures must be submitted to the <br />Department of Social Services on a monthly basis and no later than the 5th of the month <br />following the month of expenditure. Reimbursement will be processed within 15 days of <br />receipt. <br />• Evaluation--$850.00 <br />• Stabilization Phase I (unsubsidized employment obtained)--$2000.00 <br />• Stabilization Phase II (employment maintained 90 days)--$4000.00 <br />Outcomes <br />• Develop individualized plans for employment <br />• Place 8 participants in unsubsidized employment <br />• Provide services to enhance job retention <br />:• Monitor participants for 90 days after employment <br />