Agenda - 06-17-2003-8j
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-17-2003
Agenda - 06-17-2003-8j
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2003 S Social Services - Contract with Center for Employment Training
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2003
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For the Department: <br />Nancy Coston, Director <br />Orange County Department of Social Services <br />P. O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278' <br />(919) 732-8181 <br />For the Provider: <br />Hermelinda Sapien, President/CEO <br />Center for Employment Training <br />701 Vine Street <br />San Jose, California 95110 <br />(401) 287-7924 <br />SECTION XI: Fiscal Provisions <br />The Department will reimburse the Provider for services described in the contract document up to the <br />budgetary limits of the contract allotment from Work First funds allocated to the Department for purpose of <br />this contract. The maximum amount of reimbursement for the period of July 1„ 2003 through June 30, 2004 <br />shall not exceed $40,000. <br />The Department will reimburse the Provider the total tuition amount as specified in Addendum One, <br />less 90% of any estimated Pell grant, for each trainee, based on course selection, at the time of enrollment. <br />For reimbursement, the Provider must submit on original and two copies of the DSS-1571, Part N, by the <br />tenth of the month following the month of enrollment to the designed Contract Administrator. The <br />Department will reimburse the Provider monthly upon receipt of a complete and correctly filed report. <br />Tuition will be reduced for trainees who exit the training early in accordance with the refund policy described <br />in the Provider's attached catalog. <br />The Provider will maintain an individual tuition record for each trainee and tuition will be reduced by ninety <br />percent (90%) of any Pell Grant received by the Provider on behalf of the trainee. Ten Percent (10%) of the <br />total of any Pell Grant received by the Provider will be disbursed to the trainee. The Provider will furnish the <br />Department with a list of any Pell Grant disbursements to trainees monthly as an attachment to the DSS-1571. <br />At the time of enrollment the Provider will execute a student agreement that indicates the portion of the Pell <br />Grant to be applied to the cost of tuition based on the Provider's initial determination of eligibility for a Pell <br />Grant. <br />When it is determined that an estimated Pell Grant will not received or, if the grant amount is different than <br />the estimate, the Provider will invoice (or credit) the Department so that the tuition (including refunds for <br />early terminations) is not overpaid or underpaid. In no case will cumulative net invoices exceed the grant <br />amount. <br />The Provider will notify the Department of any other grants that would offset tuition a proper accountability <br />will be documented on the monthly reimbursement request. No cost will be duplicated that is charged to any <br />U.S. Department of Labor technical assistance grant. <br />SECTION XII: Audit Requirements <br />This is not a financial assistance contract, therefore there are no audit requirements. <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />
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