Agenda - 06-17-2003-8j
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-17-2003
Agenda - 06-17-2003-8j
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8/29/2008 2:12:17 PM
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8/29/2008 10:47:51 AM
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2003 S Social Services - Contract with Center for Employment Training
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2003
Minutes - 20030617
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COUNTY OF ORANGE <br />DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES <br />TRAINING CONTRACT WITH CENTER FOR EMPLOYMENT TRAINING <br />This contract is entered into by the Orange County Department of Social Services (hereinafter referred to as the <br />Department) and Center for Employment Training (CET), Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the Provider), or the <br />purchase of specific activities as described therein. This contract is subject to the provisions of all applicable <br />Federal, State, County laws, regulations, policies and standards. This contract shall consist of this document and <br />any specified attachments in Section XVII on page 6. <br />SECTION I: Effective Period <br />This agreement shall be in effect from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. <br />SECTION II: Responsibilities <br />A. The Department will: <br />1. Refer Work First participants to the Provider for enrollment and reimburse the Provider for activities <br />provided as described in this contract and: and <br />2. Provide consultation and technical assistance to the Provider as needed: and <br />3. Provide transportation, child care, and case management services to Work First participants; and <br />4. Accept fiscal responsibility for deviation from the terms of this contract as a result of acts of the <br />Department or any of its officers, employees, agents or representatives, and <br />B. The Provider will: <br />1. Provide activities, as specified in this contract; and <br />2. Assume responsibility for all associated cost in the event the Provider has to relocate; and <br />3. Submit programmatic reports as requested by the Department and assist the: Department in meeting all <br />reporting requirements to State and other agencies; and <br />4. Accept fiscal responsibility for deviations from the terms of this contract as a result of acts of the Provider <br />or any of its officers, employees, agents or representatives; and <br />5. Maintain fiscal books, record, documents and other evidence which reflect all direct and indirect costs <br />expended under this contract; and <br />6. Comply with all laws, regulations policies and standards applicable to the program under contract; and <br />7. The Provider will not encourage and/or assist any Work First trainee to obtain any educational loans; and <br />8. Furnish worker's compensation, liability insurance, and other insurance as :may be required to protect the <br />Provider and the Department against claims which may arise from the Provider's performance; and <br />Page 1 of 6 <br />
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