Agenda - 06-17-2003-8b6
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-17-2003
Agenda - 06-17-2003-8b6
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Last modified
8/29/2008 2:14:19 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:47:41 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20030617
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/2 <br />FOIL OFFICE USE ONLY <br />1~10~ ~a ~e _2oF 2. vCa m W~~ q oa~- <br />. EDUCanoN: ~~~~ J ~'. <br />i ., <br />OTHER colwirtENTS: <br />How did you become aware of Orange Coun~volunteer opportunities? (Please check alt that <br />apply): t7 Newspaper D County Web Page Current Orange County Volunteer <br />D Radio O T.V. ©Other <br />-ETHICS GUIDELINES FOR <br />COUNTY ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />I agree by my signature below that, ff appointed, l pledge to comply with the following ethics guidelines for <br />advisory boards and commissions as adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners, <br />-Members of advisory boards and commissions shall not discuss, advocate, or vote on any matter in <br />which they have a confect or- potentrai-oonflkt of interest or an interest which reasonably might appear <br />to be in confect wish the concept of fairness fn dealing-with pubis business. A conflict of interes+, or a <br />potential canfl'id oars if a•member has a separate, prn-ate, or monetary Interest, erther direct or <br />indirect, th any issue or transaction under consideration.• Any member who oblates this provision may <br />be subject m removal from the board or commission. <br />If an advisory board or commission member believes hdshe has a canflic:t or potehtlal conflict of <br />interest on a particular issue, then that member should sffite this belief ira the other members of his/her <br />respective advisory board or commission during the board or commission's public meeting. The <br />member should state the nature of the conflk~, detailing that he/she has 'a separate, private, or <br />monetary inten3st. either direct or indPect, in the issue or transaction under consideration. The <br />member should then excuse hlmseiflherself from considering and voting do the matter: In cases <br />where an advisory board or canmisslon member declares a canifiot or potential conflict of interest, the <br />member shall excuse hirnsei6herselfirom the board table/voting area until alt discussion, <br />consideration, and voting is completed on the matter in question. - <br />Any advisory board or commission member having questions or needing assistance regarding the <br />Interpretation of these ethics gutdelnes or other conflict of interest matters should contract the <br />administrative sfiaff far the respective board or commission. Staff wf'q assist the member with <br />questions and interpretations and may provide a recommendation on whether or not the advisory . <br />boats or commission member should excuse himself/hereelf ft+om voting. The member rrtay request <br />that the staff respond 6t writing. Staff may contact the County Manager for arty additional assistance. <br />If appointed, i agree to atberid a thrze-twur orienffition which w711 give an overview of how Orange County <br />C3ovemment operates and its relationship to other governmental units. <br />7 iyloi <br />Data <br />
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