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~~~ <br />2 <br />Accordingly, Orange County has adopted changes to its Zoning Ordinance provisions relating to <br />telecommunication towers to stay up-to-date with the law, technology and consultant technical <br />expertise opportunities. As an overreaching plan to address many telecommunication issues <br />and programs, an MTP is often used to organize and create a game plan for implementation. <br />An MTP can have various elements related to the different application of telecommunication <br />facilities. From towers, to underground, to technological advancement of computer/internet <br />services, the MTP can offer a mechanism to promote a policy to plan for the future. <br />The MTP (wireless tower element) is the element that is being proposed with this agenda item. <br />The MTP (wireless tower element) was the subject of department meetings over the last year <br />and is intended to address the continued protection of the public health, safety and welfare. <br />Through communication facilities that create public safety communication opportunities on <br />public property and elsewhere whereby fair and reasonable compensation would be <br />forthcoming. <br />On August 12, 2002, Staff held a meeting with potential participants in the Master <br />Telecommunication Plan ("Plan") program to gauge interest in the Plan. Six persons attended <br />the meeting. Farmers participating in the Voluntary Agricultural District program were <br />particularly interested in additional revenue sources to help offset rising farming expenses and <br />to promote sustainability. According to those farmers present, the additional income from land <br />leases to telecommunication providers could be the difference in continuing to farm versus <br />having to sell off parts of the farm to pay for rising costs and operating expenses. <br />On November 14, 2002, Staff held a meeting with property owners that own property that may <br />be suitable for inclusion in the MTP. Only three persons of the sixteen that were notified <br />attended the meeting. Statements regarding additional revenue to farmers were reiterated from <br />the August 12, 2002, meeting. <br />On January 9, 2003, Staff held another meeting with potential participants in the MTP. Three of <br />the fifteen property owners that were mailed notices attended the meeting. The meeting was <br />held in order to brief potential participants on the newly adopted Ordinance provisions relating <br />to telecommunications towers, the informational item regarding the MTP that was presented to <br />the BOCC at the November 25, 2002, Joint Public Hearing, and the upcoming Annual <br />Telecommunications Projection Meeting (ATPM) scheduled for January 24, 2003. Other issues <br />of concern dealt with the formulation of a notification process that would ensure that future <br />property owners buying property adjacent to an approved site under the MTP would be made <br />aware of the pre-approved site. Suggestions were as follows: <br />1. Recordation in the Register of Deed's Office of a document with adjoining property owner's <br />property that would turn up in property title research when property changes ownership. <br />2. Mailed notification to area realtors. <br />3. Posting of a sign on the subject property notifying persons that the property has been <br />approved for location of a telecommunications tower under an MTP. This is similar to the <br />signs posted for properties included in the Voluntary Agricultural District program. <br />G:\Current Planning DivlTking\Abstract.MTP.May 27, 2003 PH <br />