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<br />Unless accepted for dedication or otherwise agreed to by the county, another unit of local
<br />government, the state or a private nonprofit land conservancy, the cost and responsibility
<br />of maintaining open space and any facilities located thereon shall be borne by the
<br />property owner and/or homeowner's association.
<br />All site planning for open space should evidence a consideration of the specific
<br />nature of the parcel being developed and a creativity in design which maximizes
<br />aspects of functionality. At F~ any given site, the types of resources may vary widely
<br />in importance ; (e.g., a natural area compared to a historic site) and I~l~~ each
<br />type of resource may have areas of greater or lesser significance ;(e.g;. a notable example
<br />of local vernacular building traditions compared to a much altered older home). Priorities
<br />for conserving such resources should therefore be based upon a thorough site analysis
<br />and an understanding of what is more special, unique, noteworthy, environmentally
<br />sensitive and/or historic as compared with other similar features of different types of
<br />resources.
<br />In evaluating the layout of lots and open space, the following criteria will be considered
<br />as indicating design appropriate to the site's features and meeting the intent of the
<br />Flexible Development standards. Whereas diversity and originality in lot layout are
<br />encouraged, it is recognized that not all objectives maybe achieved on a given site. Each
<br />applicant must therefore achieve the best possible relationship between development and
<br />preservation objectives.
<br />F.1 General Criteria
<br />The following criteria apply to all Flexible Development projects:
<br />The shape and placement of the open space shall be reasonably contiguous,
<br />coherently configured, ~ shall abut existing or potential open space on adjacent
<br />properties, and shall be beneficial to stated functional open space goals. Leng,
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<br />. Open
<br />space should not be overly fragmented or in long narrow segments (except in the
<br />case of pedestrian paths, stream or wildlife corridors, greenbelt paths or
<br />landscape buffers adjoining street rights-of--way and/or neighborhood
<br />boundaries). Electively sited individual open space areas (e.g. Secondary
<br />Preservation Areas) should typically have agglomerated shapes.
<br />Open space shall be connected, when applicable and reasonable, to other open
<br />space in the same project and/or to existing or potential off-site open space or
<br />pedestrian paths in land parcels adjacent to the Flexible Development area.
<br />