Orange County NC Website
~~°""r''s~, ®rauge ~ouutp ~t~jour~ <br />3 ~ ~ 200 ~a~t ~iug street <br />°~ ~` iCCsborou ~C 27278 <br />~ g a~yr. ~ 9~1, ~ <br />Pr. Shirley Carraway <br />Superintendent <br />September 21, 2005 <br />Mr. Moses Carey, .Jr., Chair <br />Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Dear Mr. Carey and Board Members, <br />(919) 732-8126 Telephone <br />(919) 732-8120 Fax <br /> <br />The construction of Middle School #.3 is progressing beautifully, and is beginning to look like a school. <br />The steel has been erected, the slabs have been poured, and the widening of West Ten Road is nearing <br />completion.. The Board of Education is currently in the process of arranging for electric power to the site.. <br />We have run into a problem in our negotiations with Duke Power, however, and we are hoping the Board <br />of County Commissioners can help us address it.. <br />Here is the situation: In order to keep construction on schedule, we need power on the property by <br />7anuary 1, 2006.. Most of the middle school site is in Duke Power's territory, although a small portion, <br />including the pump station, is in Piedmont Electric's territory. In fact, Piedmont Electric is currently <br />supplying temporary power to an irrigation pump. Duke Power has the ability to provide electric service <br />to the school within our time frame if a decision is made immediately, However, they are requiring that <br />we grant them an easement across the property to provide for future development of three-phased power <br />to the east of our site. Unless we allow the easement, they will not provide power to the school. The <br />Board of Education is willing, of course, to grant Che easement, buC we disagree wiCh Duke's provisions <br />about the type of power lines Chey will supply. <br />The Special Use Permit that allowed us to build the school requires us to place utilities underground, and, <br />in fact, the Board of Education wants the power lines to be underground.. Duke Power views overhead <br />power lines as standard service, and underground lines as a customer option for which the customer must <br />pay. Because the easement would provide no benefit to Orange County Schools and is required only to <br />meet Duke Power's future needs, the Board believes that Duke should install the lines underground across <br />the easement at no cost to the district. Duke maintains that the district must pay for the underground <br />lines.. <br />Piedmont Electric has indicated that they can provide underground service within our required time fiame <br />at a fraction of the cost that Duke Power is charging because they realize that over the <br />years, they will recoup any investmenCS they make in our property. With Chis offer in hand, the <br />