Orange County NC Website
2. Provide citizens a chance to comment on any other aspect of the <br />proposed high school, including the CHCCS Board of Education <br />preferred site on Rock Haven Road and Smith Level Road near Culbreth <br />Road. <br />Following the conclusion of the public hearing an the above, the Board <br />wi II <br />conduct the public hearing on the planning items noted below. <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br />7:40 1. Orange County Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments <br />a. Amend Articles 8, 12, 14, 21, 22, and Table of Contents and other <br />related articles to define and regulate the open burning of trees, limbs, <br />stumps and construction debris associated with permitted activity. <br />2. Orange County Subdivision Regulations Text Amendments <br />7:45 001-005 a. Amend Sections II, IV and other related sections to define and <br />regulate the open burning of trees, limbs, stumps and construction <br />debris associated with the development of subdivisions. <br />8:10 009-020 b. Amend Section IV-B-10. Flexible Development -Section C, Open <br />Space Standards to require that at least 75°~ of residential lots in a <br />proposed development be contiguous on one or more sides to the <br />system of open space. <br />8:30 021-024 c. Amend Section IV-B-3. Streets, IV-B-3-b to require that major <br />subdivisions have access on a paved public road. <br />8:45 006-008 3. Orange County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance <br />Regulations Text Amendments <br />a. Amend Sections 3, 6, 6.1, and 7 and other related sections to define <br />and regulate the open burning of trees, limbs, stumps and <br />construction debris associated with permitted activity. <br />9:00 025-042 4. Orange County Telecommunications Plan <br />Article 6.18.5, Master Telecommunications Plan {"Plan"), of the Orange County <br />Zoning Ordinance allows for the development of a "Master Telecommunications <br />Plan." A tower may be constructed upon issuance of a building permit and after <br />meeting Zoning Ordinance requirements for construction of telecommunications <br />towers. Providers electing to participate in the Plan shall submit required <br />information and filing fee to the County for review by a contracted consultant to <br />verify site necessity. Modifications to the Plan will be considered annually in <br />February of each year. Applications to participate in the Plan are due prior to <br />December 15 of each year. Withdrawals from the Plan are allowed upon <br />notification to the County. <br />9:34 D. ADJOURNMENT <br />