Agenda - 05-22-2003-2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-22-2003
Agenda - 05-22-2003-2
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8/29/2008 8:27:25 PM
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8/29/2008 10:47:08 AM
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tin the issue of square footage, it should be noted thG~t the only .high school built i7~ <br />C)range County afiter the high school 5taiidards were adopted il~ 1099 was Cedar <br />Ridge I-Iigh School. That school came in at 20{3,0110 square feet, for 1,1100 students. <br />'What well exceeds the 182,710 square feet dictated by the standards. i`he District is <br />making every effort to have the proje~ come ii1 at the 182,710 square foot standard, a <br />task that will. prove to be d~i fficult. T~~ reduce the sq~~are footage any further would <br />produce a high. school that is plot evet7 close to co~~nl~arable to our t~vo existing high <br />schools or to Cedar Ridge. <br />3. Lr~calll= untested` clirau>>zsir~ra - GHCC:S exercise c? f ~ enxinent rlr~n~crin <br />While the CHCCS has not exercised the right of eminent domain in recent years, the <br />county has recently used the process with the condemnation of t:he Construction and <br />Debris site off Eubanks Road. Therefore, there is precedent for the County to use <br />eminent domain to acquire sites that would benefit the entire community. <br />The issue of land procurement costs has been a concern to all oil us. It should be <br />noted, however, that the potential high cost for the Glover property is based on <br />successful rezoning by the Town of Carrboro. That application is still pending. JPI, <br />the Dallas developer, has asked for additional time to make its presentation due to the <br />death of the principal developer. The original presentation had been scheduled for this <br />week. According to the owner of the property, the contract between the owner and JPI <br />has been terminated in part over concerns about the use of eminent domain. The <br />owner claims that renegotiations are taking place. Based on this information, the <br />District has concluded that there is reason to believe that the appraised price is <br />reasonably accurate. While the District believes that the land acquisition prices are <br />within the budget, the School Board understands that it will be fiscally responsible for <br />any increased costs due to land purchases. <br />4. Requires Cr~~ctzty issuance of ,~6+ra~illian in uuhrngrarnnied debt <br />As the graphs provided by the County's Budget Director illustrate, the additional debt <br />would not place the County over the debt limits it has set. Although her graphs are <br />predicated on all the bonds and alternative financing taking place at one time, the <br />Budget Director has indicated that some of these sales could be spread out to reduce <br />the indebtedness in a particular year. This provides an additional fiscal cushion for <br />other projects. Therefore, the Board does not see the County's debt policy as a <br />limitation to moving forward. <br />S. <4tl~tersely affects CHCCS ability to arlclress other ide~zti~e~l/emergent cu~itr~l f~eerls <br />The proposed 10-year CIP demonstrates the District's commitment to existing <br />facilities. The impact of the debt service on the District is much less than the <br />reduction of projected impact fee revenue and the loss of the Public School Building <br />Fund. Those reductions exceed $ 1,183,000 per year, well over the expected debt <br />service of $808,000. The project financing plan also leaves over $2,400,000 annually <br />
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