Orange County NC Website
Ordinance as Recommended by Administration <br />An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance <br />Of Orange County <br />Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County that the Orange <br />County Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: <br />Section 1. Amend Article 22 definition for Stream Buffer to read as follows: <br />Stream Buffer--A stream buffer is an area of land adjacent to a <br />streams or a FEMA-identified floodplains, <br />whichever is greater, which, except as permitted in Article 6.23.7 of this <br />Ordinance, must remain undisturbed in its natural state. °D°'~°*a* <br />Streams are identified as by any of the following means: 1) <br />shown as solid blue lines a~ or as broken blue lines on the USGS <br />Quadrangle maps, 2) shown as a water feature in the Orange <br />County Soil Survey, or 3) a water feature identified by a field <br />determination of County staff trained in surface water <br />identification through the North Carolina Division of Water Quality <br />(NCDWQZ. Stream buffers shall extend around the perimeter of all <br />other water belies-features if any portion of the stream buffer touches <br />the water bedy feature. Disputes pertaining to water feature <br />identification decisions by County staff shall be filed directly to <br />the NCDWQ. Stream buffers for Soil Survey streams shall be <br />calculated using Method A only. <br />Section 2. Amend Stream Buffers definition in Article 6.23.7definition to read as <br />follows: <br />a) Definition---See Article 22 Stream Buffer <br />Section 3. Amend Article 22 to add a new definition for Water Feature to read as <br />follows: <br />Water Feature-A prominent aspect or characteristic of a <br />geographic area that exhibits verifiable evidence of a presence of <br />water in the soil. Examples of water features include, but are not <br />limited to, perennial and intermittent streams, lakes, ponds, <br />reservoirs, springs, artesian wells, irrigation wells, marshes or <br />swamps, wetlands, and natural drainage ditches (non-ephemeral). <br />Section 4: Amend Section 6.23.10 APPLICABILITY to react as follows: <br />a) Existing Development <br />For the purpose of determining compliance with or applicability of <br />Article 6.23 of this Ordinance, existing development is defined as a <br />residential or non-residential structure which: <br />