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3 <br />U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development <br />Office of Public and Indian Housing <br />PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans <br />and Related Regulations <br />Board Resolution to Accompany the PHA Plan <br />Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Housing Agency (PHA) listed <br />below, as its Chairman or other authorized PHA official if there is no Board of Commissioners, <br />I approve the submission of the 5-Year Plan and Annual Plan for PHA fiscal year beginning <br />hereinafter referred to as the Plan of which this document is a ~-art and make the <br />following certifications and agreements with the Department of Housing Development (HUD) in <br />connection with the submission of the Plan and implementation thereof: <br />L The Plan is consistent with the applicable comprehensive housing affordability strategy (or any plan <br />incorporating such strategy) for the jurisdiction in which the PHA is located. <br />2. The Plan contains a certification by the appropriate State or local officials that the Plan is consistent <br />with the applicable Consolidated Plan, which includes a certification that requires the preparation of an <br />Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, for the PHA's jurisdiction and. a description of the <br />manner in which the PHA Plan is consistent with the applicable Consolidated Plan. <br />3. The PHA has established a Resident Advisory Board or Boards, the membership of which represents <br />the residents assisted by the PHA, consulted with this Board or Boards in developing the Plan, and <br />considered the recommendations of the Board or Boards (24 CFR 903.13). The I'HA has included in the <br />Plan submission a copy of the recommendations made by the Resident Advisory Board or Boards and a <br />description of the manner in which the Plan addresses these recommendations. <br />4. The PHA made the proposed Plan and all information relevant to the public hearing available for public <br />inspection at least 45 days before the hearing, published a notice that a hearing would be held and <br />conducted a hearing to discuss the Plan and invited public comment. <br />5. The PHA will carry out the Plan in conformity with Title VI of the Civil Rights Ac:t of 1964, the Fair <br />Housing Act, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and title II of the Americans with Disabilities <br />Act of 1990. <br />6. The PHA will affirmatively further fair housing by examining their programs or proposed programs, <br />identify any impediments to fair housing choice within those programs, address those impediments in a <br />reasonable fashion in view of the resources available and work with local jurisdictions to implement any <br />of the jurisdiction's initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing that require the PHA's involvement <br />and maintain records reflecting these analyses and actions. <br />7. For PHA Plan that includes a policy for site based waiting lists: <br />• The PHA regularly submits required data to HUD's MTCS in an accurate, complete and timely <br />manner (as specified in PIH Notice 99-2); <br />• The system ofsite-based waiting lists provides for full disclosure to each applicant in the selection <br />of the development in which to reside, including basic information about available sites; and an <br />estimate of the period of time the applicant would likely have to wait to be admitted to units of <br />different sizes and types at each site; <br />• Adoption ofsite-based waiting list would not violate any court order or settlement agreement or be <br />inconsistent with a pending complaint brought by HUD; <br />• The PHA shall take reasonable measures to assure that such waiting list is consistent with <br />affirmatively furthering fair housing; <br />• The PHA provides for review of its site-based waiting list policy to determine if it is consistent with <br />civil rights laws and certifications, as specified in 24 CFR part 903.7(c)(1). <br />PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans <md Related Regulations <br />12/99 <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />