Agenda - 05-20-2003-5c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-20-2003
Agenda - 05-20-2003-5c
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8/29/2008 9:14:35 PM
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8/29/2008 10:46:33 AM
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Agenda Item
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RES-2003-038 Resolution Regarding the Protection of civil Rights & Civil Liberties
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ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION <br />Regarding the Protection of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties <br />WHEREAS, Orange County is committed to the human rights of its residents and to <br />actions that preserve and protect those rights; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County is home to a diverse population, including students, working <br />people, and non-citizens, whose contributions to the community are vital to its character <br />and function; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is committed to upholding the civil rights and <br />civil liberties of all persons in Orange County and their free exercise and enjoyment of <br />any and all rights and privileges secured by the constitutions and the laws of the United <br />States, the State of North Carolina, and Orange County; and <br />WHEREAS, actions taken by the federal government, including the adoption of sections <br />of the USA Patriot Act and several Executive Orders, now threaten those fundamental <br />rights and liberties, including freedom of speech, assembly, and privacy; the right to <br />counsel and due process in judicial proceedings; and protection from unreasonable <br />searches and seizures, all of which are guaranteed by the Constitutions of North Carolina <br />and the United States; and <br />WHEREAS, the Executive Branch of the United States government has drafted a <br />"Domestic Security Enhancement Act" (also known as the "USA Patriot Act II"), which <br />would further undermine those rights and liberties by expanding the government's <br />surveillance authority; by allowing the sharing of sensitive personal information with local <br />and state law enforcement agencies without consent or judicial process; and by <br />authorizing secret arrests and detentions of persons not criminally charged. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby resolve: <br />Section 1. That we encourage our state and federal legislative delegations to monitor the <br />implementation of the USA Patriot Act and the Executive Orders cited herein and to work <br />actively for the repeal of those portions of the Act and those Orders that violate the rights and <br />liberties guaranteed by the Constitutions of North Carolina and the United States. <br />Section 2. That we encourage our state and federal legislative delegations to work actively <br />against adoption of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act cited herein and against any <br />legislation or Executive Order that would undermine residents' fundamental rights and liberties. <br />Section 3. That we encourage local law enforcement agencies to continue to preserve <br />residents' freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and privacy; the right to counsel and due <br />process in judicial proceedings; and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, even <br />if requested or authorized to infringe upon those rights by federal law enforcement under <br />powers granted by Acts or Orders cited herein. <br />
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