Agenda - 05-20-2003-10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-20-2003
Agenda - 05-20-2003-10a
Entry Properties
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8/29/2008 10:46:30 AM
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E <br />ORANGE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY 0 <br />PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish a monthly installment payment plan option for <br />payment of availability fees and acreage charges to serve as an incentive to connect owner occupied <br />properties located within Orange Water and Sewer Authority's service area but not currently connected to <br />Orange Water and Sewer Authority's water and/or wastewater system. <br />BACKGROUND: Orange Water and Sewer Authority's water and sewer extension policies describe the <br />conditions for extending service to applicants, while the approved schedule of rates and fees define and <br />list those charges to be paid by the applicant prior to connection to a water and/or sewer main. Prior to <br />this policy, approval of requests for applicants to be allowed to pay availability fees and acreage charges <br />using an installment payment plan has been limited to property owners, living is special assessment <br />project neighborhoods, who connected to the public water and/or sewer system within sixty (60) days of <br />completion of the assessment project. <br />POLICY: Property owners living in residences not attached to OWASA's water and/or wastewater <br />system may arrange to pay up to eighty percent (80 %) of availability fees and acreage charges by <br />monthly installments over a period not to exceed five years. <br />In order for a property owner to set -up an installment plan, the following shall apply: <br />a) The property owner must occupy the residence. <br />b) A fee schedule approved for service by OWASA's Engineering Department shall be prepared <br />listing the availability fees and acreage charges due for the property. <br />c) The property owner must make a down payment of 20% of the availability fees and acreage <br />charges calculated for the property and request that an installment payment plan be <br />established. <br />Once the request for an installment payment plan is received, an installment payment plan will be set -up <br />and include the following: <br />a) Principal equal to up to eighty percent (80 %) of the availability fees and acreage charges for <br />the property; <br />b) Interest at a rate comparable to that currently being charged by area lending institutions, and <br />c) An administrative or handling charge to cover those costs associated with billing and <br />collecting the installment payments, and recording and release of liens. <br />The installment payment of availability fees and acreage charges shall become a part of the monthly <br />billing for service, and nonpayment shall be subject to the same policies and penalties that apply to <br />delinquency in the payment of monthly charges for water and sewer services provided by OWASA. <br />0 <br />
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