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4. New School Construction Progress Reports <br />OCS and CHCCS, respectively, will provide updates to all elected officials regarding <br />the two schools currently under construction — OCS Middle School #3 and CHCCS <br />High School #3. <br />Attachment 1 -a -4 Middle School #3 Update <br />b. Informational Reports <br />Staff have compiled background information related to the following topics and will <br />respond to questions regarding these from elected officials, <br />1. Implications of State Lottery for Orange County's School Construction Funding <br />The attached materials compiled by the Association of County Commissioners reflect <br />five year estimates of State lottery proceeds that would be earmarked towards school <br />construction or debt service, with about $2.6 million projected for Orange County for the <br />first full year of lottery operation in 2006 -07. <br />Attachment 1 -b -1 9101105 NCACC E -News Update— Estimated Lottery <br />Proceeds for School Construction <br />2, loth Day Student Membership <br />The accompanying tables reflect student membership for both school systems as of the <br />10th day in academic year 2005 -06. <br />Attachment 1 -b -2 -a Table - OCS 10th Day Membership <br />Attachment 1 -b -2 -b Table - CHCCS 101h Day Membership <br />3. 2005 -06 Adopted School Budgets <br />The accompanying materials reflect the 2005 -06 budgets adopted by the two school <br />systems, including federal, state and local dollars, and a recap of how increases in local <br />dollars were allocated by the school boards among specific items identified in their <br />2005 -06 budget requests to the Board of Commissioners, <br />Attachment 1 -b -3 -a Table - CHCCS Budget Summary FY 2005 -06 <br />Attachment 1 -b -3 -b Table — OCS Budget Summary FY 2005 -06 <br />Attachment 1 -b -3 -c 9120105 OCS Superintendent Letter re: 2005 -06 Budget <br />Narrative <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact tied directly to the discussion at this <br />meeting. However, decisions that the school boards and BOCC will make at subsequent <br />meetings are likely to have significant implications for future capital and operating budgets, <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the boards discuss the issues <br />noted and provide direction to staff, as appropriate. <br />