Orange County NC Website
4 <br />b. Southern Human Services Center Grounds and Pond -AmeriCorps Volunteers <br />A team of 12 AmeriCorps volunteers recently visited Orange County for asix-week project. The <br />primary project was for the team to clean up the grounds around an old home site and pond <br />located on County property adjacent to the County's Southern Human Services Center. A <br />report on the volunteers' activities is attached. <br />Attachment 7b -Orange County AmeriCorps Project Summary <br />c. School Siting Proposal <br />Commissioner Jacobs presented a proposal during a recent BOCC meeting intended to <br />enhance the current process for school siting determinations in terms of timeliness, <br />effectiveness, and consideration of land use planning implications. <br />Attachment 7c -Planning the Location of Schools in Orange County in the 21St Century <br />d. Solid Waste Alternative Financing <br />Consideration began a number of years ago of the implications of reaching the point at which <br />landfill tipping fees can no longer be relied upon to cover virtually all of the cost of solid waste <br />operations, to include recycling. The Solid Waste Advisory Board worked intensively during the <br />past year to analyze options and develop recommendations for both long-term and short-term <br />approaches to providing the supplemental funding needed. SWAB has made presentations on <br />this topic to all four governing boards within the past several months. Decisions to be made in <br />the coming months about which mechanism(s) to pursue will rest with the County <br />Commissioners, and will consider the interests and viewpoints articulated by the County's solid <br />waste partners. <br />Attachment 7d -Executive Summary -2/24/03 SWAB Report <br />e. Carolina North <br />Town of Carrboro staff provided the attached information on the current status of planning for <br />the University of North Carolina's Horace Williams Tract, often described as "Carolina North". <br />Attachment 7e - "Planning for Carolina North (UNC's Horace Williams Property)" <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact associated with discussion of these <br />topics. There are no action items requiring formal Board decisions. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Boards discuss the topics listed <br />and provide appropriate direction to the respective staffs. <br />