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TTN(' nrnnerty~ Horace Williams, Main Campur and Masora Farm <br />.........,_.. r......._ ---~---- - - <br />~ .. <br />~ ~ <br />The diagram illustrates the relative size and scale of the Horace <br />Williams property in comparison to UNC's main campus. <br />The main campus of UNC is approximately 575 acres and <br />contains 13 million square feet of occupiable building space. <br />Comparatively, the 979 acres of the Horace Williams property <br />will have a maximum of 8.4 million square feet. The grid <br />shown on the diagram represents a distance of one-quarter <br />mile, or a 5-minute walk. <br />This study illustrates the immense size of the Horace Williams <br />property, which is approximately two miles in length, and the <br />need to develop the property as a: group of neighborhoods, <br />each disciplined by the walking distance of five minutes from <br />center to edge. Neighborhoods are quantified by area, not by <br />density, and each includes a balanced set of activities: shop- <br />ping, workplace, recreation, dwelling, etc. Each neighborhood <br />has a center, such as a public space, which may be a plaza, a <br />square, a green or an important intersection. Retail and work- <br />places are usually associated with the center, as value is <br />enhanced by adjacenry to `place'. <br />The diagram shows concentric circles incrementally increasing by one <br />mile. The center of the circle is located at the intetseaion of Franklin and <br />Columbia Street, which is the northwest comer of the main campus. <br />Minor and major thoroughfares surround the Horace Williams <br />Property. To the east the property abuts Airport Road (NC 8~> the <br />primary access route to the site. Recently widened, Airport Road is <br />now five lanes from I-40 to Downtown Chapel Hill. The proximity <br />of the property to I~0, and to the Main Campus is a key attribute of <br />the site. `Enhanced access from the north will be provided by the <br />extension of Weaver Dairy Road. Accessibility for eastbound traffic <br />will also be improved by the planned widening of Weaver Dairy Road, <br />with an improved connection to US 15-501 included in the region's <br />currentTtansponation Improvement Program (TIP). <br />Homestead Road wraps around the north and west sides of the <br />site. Widening of this two-lane road to three lanes between <br />Airport Road and High School Road is included in the region's <br />TIP. In the longer term, Homestead Road west of High School <br />Road will be widened to add a median. <br />To the south, the site is bounded by Estes Drive, a major easy-westcon- <br />nectionbetween Franklin Street, Airport Road, Carrboro, and areas fur- <br />therwest. Currently a two-lane road, the TIP proposes the widening of <br />Estes Drive to three lanes west ofAirport Road. The western portion of <br />the site is traversed by SeawellSchool Road> atwo-lane no rth-south road <br />with no plans for widening. Anew east-west connection from the lower <br />portion of Seawell Road to Homestead Road (below the schools) is <br />included in the Thoroughfare Plan, Durham/Chapel HiWCarrboro <br />(DCHC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Overall, <br />vehicular access to the Horace Williams property is relatively good, and <br />planned improvements noted above will enhance that access. <br />