Orange County NC Website
SUGGESTED SERVICES AND FUNCTIONS AT THE NEW SENIOR CENTERS? <br />The following is a list of suggestions for the new senior centers. Do you agree or disagree? <br />Please rank the programs/functions listed below by checking the appropriate box as: <br />"Essential", "Important", "No Opinion", "Not Important" or "Not Needed" in the new Senior Centers. <br />CHECK ONLY ONE ACROSS EACH ROW ALSO, PLEASE WRITE IN ADDITIONAL ONES. <br />Programs/Functions Essential Important No Opinion Not Important Not Needed <br />~ 1. Information & Assistance - ~~ <br />(telephone &'office consultation on wing issues) <br />2. Interest groups/Clubs and Support Groups I <br /> <br />3. Conversation loun e _ <br />l <br />4. Food Service/Cooking Program _ _ <br />kitchen servin meals/ snack bar, classes) <br />- <br />5. Visual Arts Center <br />~ Salle <br />s ace for painting, ceramic, crafts, etc:) <br />~__ <br />6. Fitness/Wellness Center <br />(theca y & class space, exercise ecLuipment, etc.) _ <br />7. Computer Learning <br />PC learning and use- SeniorNet, etc. <br />8. Volunteer Service Center -RSVP <br />info, recruit, refer, train, reco e, s ecial ro .) <br />9. Eldercare Services -for Special Needs <br />(assessments,eounselina care plannin ,sere-ices) <br />10. Financial Planning/Management Assistance <br />(taxes-VITA, health insurance-SHIIP, lannin ) <br />- <br />11. Adult Day Services ~ ~i <br />(seniors w/ s ecial needs-rehab., monitored) ~ <br />12. Cards/Table Games Area <br />(dro -in area for all kinds of table games) <br />13. Education Center -for Life Long Learning <br />i i <br />classes, worksho s, seminars, s ecial events , <br /> <br />14. Multi-purpose Area __ <br />lac a area with dividers for S ecial events <br />15. EmpIoymenf Center _ - -. - _ <br />(job postings, training, placement, fairs; etc.) ' ~ <br /> <br />16. Performing Arts.- dance, music, drama, video, _ _ _ <br />(stage for productions and classes, etc.) <br /> <br />17. Game Roonl area __ _ <br />table tennis, billiards, uttin green,-etc. - ~~~ <br />18. Reading area/ Library <br />19. Agency Services Center <br />(drop-in space for agencies fo serve seniors) <br />20. Health/Wellness Center <br />(Info, ersonal assessments, clinical services) <br />21. Outdoor Leisure Area '' <br />(croquet, horseshoes, walkin trails, ardens ~ 1 <br />22. Emergency Shelter <br />Disaster conditions-ice storm, hurricane, etc.) <br />~, 23. Transportation Assistance - <br />(arran in transport to centers and services) _ <br />24. Other: __ <br />25. Other: <br />SCFM/3/2003/JP <br />By Item Number above, list the top 5 programs for the new senior centers <br />