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<br />2. Terms and Replacement of At Lame Members
<br />At Large members of the Transportation Advisory Board shall serve tie-ye~a~
<br />three year terms, but no more than two consecutive three year terms.
<br />3. Vacancies
<br />All vacancies on the Transportation Advisory Board shall be filled by
<br />appointment by the County Board of Commissioners, or the agency appointee.
<br />The person appointed shall serve for the unexpired portion of the term.
<br />4. Attendance
<br />Any member of the Board who misses more than three meetings any twelve
<br />month period, shall lose his/her status as a member of the Board and shall be
<br />replaced by the Orange County Board of Commissioners or the Agency
<br />appointing them. Absences due to sickness, death of an immediate family
<br />member shall be considered approved absences and shall not affect the member's
<br />status. Following the second absence, the secretary will notify the member in
<br />writing of the attendance policy.
<br />1. Dates and Locations
<br />Regular meetings of the Orange County Transportation Advisory Board will hold
<br />a minimum of quarterly meetings *'~ r '' ~' ' ~' * ~ *''° "' "*''° "~
<br />T„~,,,,,.,, n..,.;1 T„1„ n~a n,.r,.h°~All meetings will be conducted with a
<br />maximum time limit of two (2) hours. Location of meetings and specific times
<br />will be established by the Transportation Advisory Board.
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