Orange County NC Website
6. Summary of Resource Inventory (total vehicles by type, facility <br />information, equipment, and current technologies). Local <br />system will provide private consultant with up -to -date version <br />of PTMS to review. <br />7. Key funding /revenue sources: agencies, general public, <br />state /federal grants, foundations, local funds, and private <br />donations. Describe system fare structure for agency and <br />general public transportation services (cost/mile, cost/trip, <br />and/or cost /hour) and determine if it is consistent between <br />agencies. If rates vary, describe why? <br />If a system is a sub -unit of a larger parent organization, describe: <br />organizational relationship to parent and percent of employees <br />the sub -unit represents <br />how system services relate to parent organization <br />key support services provided by the parent organization <br />B. Customer Service Requirements <br />Provide all key customer service objectives and examples of <br />how they are incorporated into daily work system/practices. <br />C. Business Directions <br />1. Provide a list of principal factors used by the system that <br />determine organizational success. <br />