Agenda - 04-24-2003-1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-24-2003
Agenda - 04-24-2003-1
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9/2/2008 1:04:02 AM
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8/29/2008 10:45:51 AM
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for the two school districts will exceed capacity in 2006-2007. The need for a fifth high <br />school in the county is clear, whether or not the County Commissioners pursue merger. <br />Projected Membership <br /> H.S. 110°k School Year <br /> Ca a ' Ca a ' 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 <br />CHCCS 3035 3339 3162 3250 3425 3552 3692 3719 3790 3889 3981 4159 4310 <br />OCS 2518 2770 1828 1868 1926 1958 1950 1952 1957 1912 1915 1938 1942 <br />Total 5553 6109 4990 5118 5351 5510 5642 5671 5747 5801 5896 6097 6252 <br />Consensus has formed that the need for additional high school capacity is real. The <br />School Board and County Commissioners have come to the realization that CHCCS' <br />present high schools are over capacity today and will be over 110% of capacity by <br />2004-05. When SAPFO and the Memorandum of Understanding are approved, <br />additional capacity must be added when high school LOS exceeds 110%. <br />Rock Haven Road <br />Concept Plan: <br />The massing plan is attached and shows how the use of three parcels with a competition <br />stadium off site allows entry off Rock Haven Road. It also allows completion of the <br />connector road and leaves a parcel of land to the north that could be used for other <br />development or field placement. The massing plan also indicates that the need for the <br />Minton property has been reduced. This 3.6-acre thin strip has three 1.2 acre lots that <br />could be used. Amassing plan is designed to gauge whether a site is suitable for the <br />program of the school. It is not intended to be part of the design process but is a <br />valuable tool in the siting process. Viewers of the massing plan should not assume this <br />is the final location for school buildings or fields. <br />Cost/Acquisition: <br />The District employed Analytical Consultants to provide appraised values for these <br />properties (see below) There is currently a contract on the Glover property for <br />$3,000,000, certainly higher than the appraised value. This contract is based on the <br />developer's ability to get the parcel rezoned for student apartments. That rezoning is <br />not yet assured. If the property were rezoned the contract would certainly be used in <br />any eminent domain process to establish fair market value. A complete description of <br />this process is included under Condemnation and Acquisition. <br />Parcels: Acreage Appraised Values <br />Glover Property 49.50 $1,658,700* <br />Fisher Property 10.60 $ 551,000 <br />Minton Property 3.60 $ 326,000 <br />Total 63.72 $2,535,700 <br />*estimated at 49.25 acres <br />Site: <br />Using all three parcels of land and moving the competition stadium off site leaves <br />enough room to provide for the connector road off Rock Haven as well as using it for <br />
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