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<br />To: John Link, Orange County Manager
<br />Orange County From: Michael F. Williams, Interim Superintendent~~~ ~ `/P~
<br />Board of
<br />Education Date: April 11, 2003
<br />Subject: Recurring Capital Funding
<br />The purpose of this memo is to respond to your request for information regarding recurring capital
<br />funding as presented in your March 21, 2003, memorandum (copy attached).
<br />Dr. Michael F. Williams
<br />Interim Superintendent 1. For'the last five years, what projects has each district funded with their annual
<br />recurring capital appropriation from the County
<br />Board Members: Attached is a list for each of the fiscal years 1996-97 through 2001-02. Each list contains all of the
<br />Brenda Stephens, Chair capital projects in the Orange County Schools funded by recurring capital outlay. Each list is
<br />Keith Cook, Vice Chair sepazated into four categories: fixed cost projects, school improvement projects, school furniture and
<br />Randy Copeland equipment, and vehicles.
<br />Betty Tom Phelps Davidson
<br />Libbie Hough
<br />Delores Simpson 2• What impact has the reduction of recurring capital in the last two fiscal years had on
<br />Dana Thompson each district's ability to carry out planned projects
<br />In fiscal yeaz 2000-01 we were unable to undertake the following projects: carpet to file replacements
<br />at Central, Stanford, Grady Brown, Cameron Park, New Hope, and Efland Cheeks, driveway curbing,
<br />200 East King Street ~n pamttng, door replacement and shower upgrades at Stanford, and ceiling file replacement at
<br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 Grady Brown.
<br />Telephone: 919-732-8126 ~ fiscal yeaz 2001-02 we were unable to undertake the following projects: hot water heaters and
<br />FAX: 919-732-8120
<br />carpet to file replacement at Central, driveway pazking and curbing, gym painting, and fire alarm and
<br />intercom system upgrades at Stanford, carpet to tle replacement at Grady Brown, column repair at
<br />Stanback, classroom storage cabinets and carpet to file replacement at Cameron Par c
<br />k, arpet to tle
<br />~~°°N~'~ replacement, storeroom constructon, playground equipment and new windows at New Hope, carpet
<br />° to file replacement at Efland Cheeks, carpet to tle replacement, room dividers and new windows at
<br />° Hillsborough, and locker and weight room improvements, new heating and cooling units, soccer field
<br />irrigaton, and media equipment at Orange High.
<br />+s4+
<br />3. Has the reduction caused any undue hardship on the system
<br />The impact of the reductons in recurring capital funding has been, primarily, in the areas of indoor air
<br />quality improvements and safety.
<br />4. 1"f the Board of County Commissioners were to re-instate $351,582 in recurring capital
<br />funding, what specific projects would be undertaken
<br />At its meeting on Apri17, 2003, the Orange County Board of Educaton approved the attached list of
<br />projects which would be funded if recurring capital funding were re-instated. Note that the list
<br />contains many of the items not funded in the two previous fiscal years, 2000-01 and 2001-02. In
<br />additon, the list contains some new safety issues that have.surfaced in the course of this fiscal year.
<br />Thank you for the opportunity to present this infonnaton to the Board of County Commissioners. If
<br />there is a need for clarificaton or additonal informaton, please let me know.
<br />MFW/pmc
<br />Attachments: 7
<br />Copies: Members, Orange County Boazd of Educaton
<br />Dr. Steve Halkiotis, Director of Auxiliary Services
<br />Ms. Sandra Tinsley, Director of Finance
<br />Orange County Schools
<br />"Providing educational opportunities for successful futures. "
<br />