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~~ <br />Page .3 <br />Agenda Item Abshact D(1) <br />September 6, 2005 <br />such services are to be provided, OWASA will be the responsible utility service provider.. <br />Long-Term Interest Areas are not service areas, and do not include areas outside of <br />Orange County. OWASA's Long-Term Interest Area is hereinafter referred to as <br />OWASA's "interest area." <br />Section III of the Water and Sewer Agreement defines Essential Public Facility as: <br />A publicly-owned facility, or a Facility wholly financed by Federal, State or local <br />government (or a combination thereof) that provides a service for the health, safety and <br />general welfare of County residents (for example, a school, fire station, public safety <br />substation or solid waste convenience center).. <br />Section V. Procedures for Providing Services <br />B. Procedures for the provision of service within the Service <br />Areas and Interest Areas <br />1 When water and sewer service provision is required to address an adverse public health <br />condition, or to provide service to an essential public facility, the designated provider for <br />the service area or interest area shall have the right of first refusal to provide such service. <br />Section VI Limitations on Service <br />B. Adverse Public Health Conditions <br />2. The final decision to use any particular means or tool for rectifying any particular <br />adverse public health condition remains, through zoning regulations or other land <br />use ordinances, with the governmental entity or entities having zoning or planning <br />,jurisdiction over the area where the adverse public health condition exists.. In the <br />Orange County-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Joint Planning Area, the .Joint Development <br />Review Areas shall be used to determine which of the JPA parties shall jointly <br />decide on the appropriate means or tool for rectifying an adverse public health <br />condition.. Public water or public sewer lines extended to provide service to an <br />adverse public health condition or essential public facility cannot be used for' <br />other purposes or other parties, except as provided in Section VLD. <br />D. Controlling Access to Lines In Interest Areas <br />Public water or public sewer lines extended to provide service <br />to an adverse public health condition or essential public facility <br />cannot be used for other purposes or other parties, except to <br />remedy another adverse public health condition. <br />E. Siting of Essential Public Facilities Within Interest Areas <br />The location of some essential public facilities, particularly schools, requires <br />special consideration for access to public water and sewer lines. Where possible, <br />schools shall be sited in a manner that promotes the efficient use of existing water <br />and sewer service. Preferably, a set of criteria governing such situations would be <br />developed based on consultations between the appropriate school boards and the <br />elected officials of affected jurisdictions, and applied as necessary. Publicly- <br />owned facilities other than a public school shall be located in a manner that <br />promotes the orderly provision of water and sewer service. The preferred method <br />09-06-2005#3 <br />