Agenda - 09-20-2005-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-20-2005
Agenda - 09-20-2005-9c
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9/2/2008 3:53:48 AM
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8/29/2008 10:45:35 AM
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a- <br /> <br />Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA). The Agreement contemplates the possible extension of <br />water and sewer service into the Rural Buffer to serve essential public facilities, but does not <br />specify the process for doing so. <br />Therefore, the Attorney and staff recommend that the Board indicate to the other partners to the <br />Agreement, by means of the accompanying resolution, the Board's intention to connect the new <br />building to OWASA water and sewer under the provisions of the agreement that authorize such <br />service extensions for essential public facilities, <br />E{sewhere on this May t 7 agenda, the BOCC will consider authorizing design of a force main <br />and gravity sewer connection from Landfill property to the OWASA sanitary sewer system to <br />eliminate the need to pump and haul landfill leachate. If that system is approved, a sewer <br />connection from the new pump station to the Solid Waste Operations Center could be designed <br />into the Rural Buffer entirely across County owned properly (as reflected on the accompanying <br />aerial photograph of the landfill area). OWASA water is already provided to the Landfill, and <br />could likewise be extended into the Rural Buffer across County property to serve the new <br />Operations Center. Therefore, the contemplated utility extensions could be constructed so as <br />not to promote development of other properties in the Rural Buffer. <br />If the Board approves the accompanying Resolution, staff will transmft the Resolution to the <br />Towns and OWASA so that the respective governing boards can provide comments, if any. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial cost associated with the approval of this <br />resolution, <br />The April 19, 2005 approved architects cost proposal for the Operations Center project design <br />fees assumes that the County will connect to nearby OWASA water and sewer lines, If the <br />County were to pursue an onsite septic system design, the quoted fee would increase by <br />$1,500 to $126,300, Staff assume that design fees would be unaffected by a decision to use a <br />well Instead of connecting to OWASA water. <br />While the Operations Center has not yet been designed and a specific project budget has not <br />been formally established by the BOCC, staff have been using a preliminary working <br />assumption of a building design and construction budget on the order of $1 million (which would <br />be financed through the Solid Waste/Landfill Enterprise Fund). If the Board determines that it <br />would Ilke to proceed with connecting the new facility to the OWASA water and sewer systems, <br />staff assume that the water extension will approximately equal the cost of using a water well. <br />Preliminary engineering estimates are that construction of the sewer extension from the new <br />pump station mentioned above to the new Operations Center would be in the range of <br />$175,000 _ $200,000 (that amount would also be financed through the Enterprise Fund), <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board adopt the accompanying <br />resolution of intent and distribute it for comment to the governing boards of the other parties to <br />the Water & Sewer Management, Planning, and Boundary Agreement.. <br />
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