Orange County NC Website
4 <br />BAGKGROI.II~tI? <br />The Human Services Advisory Commission (HSAC) invited a spectrum of <br />representatives from human services agencies, county departments, and <br />other local groups to consider the topic of the 2002 Orange County Human <br />Services Forum, "Community Solutions to Abuse in Orange County A <br />Discussion of Ways to Address Abuse of Children, Teens, Elders and <br />Partners." The gathering that took place on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 <br />gave the human services community a chance to network, brainstorm and <br />provide ideas and feedback to help the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners and county departments make planning decisions. A number <br />of high-profile domestic abuse cases in North Carolina hit the news in 2002, <br />including the murders of four women in Fort Bragg. The topic of this forum <br />was chosen in part to devise strategies to help keep such tragedies from <br />happening in Orange County. <br />Q~~RV~E~ BREAKDOWN OF 2002 HSAC <br /> FORUM PARTICIPANTS <br />HSAC co-chair Rosetta Wash opened 2 <br /> BOCC <br />the forum with comments about the <br />seriousness of abuse and neglect in our <br />El Pueblo <br />1 <br />community and by introducing Orange HSAC 11 <br />County Commissioner Barry Jacobs. Inter Faith Council 16 <br />After acknowledgements, he discussed Manager's Office 5 <br />how the forum of late has tended to fall JOCCA 3 <br />during times of difficulty -the 2001 O.C. Alternative Sentencing 2 <br />forum took place the day after the O.C. Child Support 2 <br />September 11 terrorist attacks, and O.C. Dept. on Aging 4 <br />another fell during the midst of a O.C. DSS 18 <br />hurricane a few years ago. However, O.C. Dispute Settlement 3 <br />despite the different kinds of O.C. Family Violence 4 <br />distractions faced by participants, he O.C. Health Dept 6 <br />said that the forum remains committed OPC 3 <br />to serving the needs of people in O.C. Recreation & Parks 3 <br />Orange County. He spoke about how Retirement homes 2 <br />the quote, "The price of liberty is <br />7 <br />eternal vigilance," would be an Variety of schools <br />important theme of the September 11 commemorations, but also how <br />`vigilance' has great relevance to the subject of abuse. Jacobs mentio ned that <br />there has been an increase in the cases of substantiated child abuse - <br />