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Develop a model that goes beyond the state statute for the definition of abuse and <br />neglect of the elderly. <br />Promote public service announcements about domestic violence. <br />Increase controls over access to weapons. <br />Training and Education <br />^ Implement acommunity-based outreach program via trained lay health advisers. <br />^ Utilize present successful programs for education and guidance of parents. <br />^ Integrate education about abuse in life-skills classes in school (i.e.; conflict resolution, <br />date abuse, good parenting skill). <br />^ Provide classes on healthy relationships and conflictlanger management in schools. <br />^ Improve police department training about domestic violence so prosecution can occur <br />without the victim's cooperation. <br />Direct Service <br />^ Provide parental support groups that are consistently available for parents that address <br />teen issues. <br />^ Institute amulti-disciplinary team for in-home evaluation and home service division for <br />the elderly. <br />^ Enhance elderly community watch. <br />^ Provide local rehabilitation resources for abusers and families, including follow up. <br />System Integration and Communication <br />^ Commit to interagency communication and mechanisms for free exchange of information <br />(e.g.; common intake and release forms, including list of involved services). <br />^ Provide consistent funds for system support. <br />^ Involve youth in community decisions that impact youth (i.e.; new program planning). <br />The HSAC intends these collected strategies to serve as useful context and important feedback <br />to the BOCC and the community at large on strengthening the Countywide response to issues <br />of abuse. A copy of the report will be shared with all Forum participants and other human <br />service interest and advocacy groups. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Acceptance of the report as information involves no commitment of <br />County finances. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board accept the report from <br />the Human Services Advisory Commission on Forum 2002. <br />