Orange County NC Website
2002 HSAC Forum <br />2002 PANELIST BIOGRAPHIES HUMAN SERVICES <br /> ADVISORY COMMISSION <br />Dr. Margaret Hudson has earned degrees from Duke and The HSAC is responsible for <br />Michigan State as well as a Ph.D. from the University of making recommendations to <br />Texas at Austin. She is a professor emeritus at the UNC- the Board of Commissioners <br />Chapel Hill School of Nursing, a charter member of the concerning human service <br />National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, a Members develop <br />s <br /> <br />consulting editor and reviewer for the Journal of Elder Abuse , <br />. <br />ro ram <br />P g <br />and a reviewer for Gerontologist. She has <br />and Neglect review and evaluate programs <br />, <br />conducted 7 studies on elder abuse and neglect, has authored and offer counsel to human <br />many books, chapters, articles and a training manual on elder service agencies. <br />abuse and neglect, and has conducted numerous continuing Rosetta Wash, co-chair <br />education workshops throughout the state on elder D. David Thompson, Jr., <br />mistreatment. co-chair <br />Hudson Fuller received a law degree and a master's degree Cheryle Atwater <br />in public health at UNC-Chapel Hill. She has worked for Robin Barnhill <br />Carolina Legal Assistance representing persons with <br /> <br />disabilities, and at the Orange County Sheriff's Department Marvin Block <br />as the agency's legal specialist, followed by a position as the Mary Bowe <br />Orange County Domestic Violence Coordinator. She is Louise Echols <br />currently assistant director for public interest law at UNC- Marla Fearrington <br />Chapel Hill Law School, is one of the founders of the Family patty Hill <br />Violence Prevention Center of Orange County and is on the Melvin Hurston <br />Board of El Central Latino. <br />Lois Kinzie <br />Melissa Radcliffe has worked as the Community Services Saul Liss <br />Coordinator for the Family Violence Prevention Center of Betty Matthews <br />Orange County since April 2001. Prior to that she lived in <br />Mesa, Arizona and worked as a Victims Rights Coordinator Linda Tuday <br />for the Mesa City's prosecutor's office. She then worked as a Pat Vandiviere <br />Victims Services Specialist with the Mesa City's Police Rebecca Young <br />Department. Before her time in Arizona, she oversaw a 24- <br />hour hotline at the Rhode Island Rape Crisis Center. QRANGE COUNTY <br />Joyce Moore is a graduate of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of BOARD OF <br />Nursing and School of Public Health and was employed for COMMISSIONERS <br />five years as a public health nurse and supervisor. In 1976, Margaret Brown <br />she joined the staff of the newly formed statewide Medical Moses Carey, Jr. <br />Treatment and Diagnostic Center for the Child Medical Alice Gordon <br />Evaluation Program in the N.C. Office of the Chief Medical Stephen H. Halkiotis <br />Examiner and continues to serve in that office as the Nurse <br /> <br />Consultant Coordinator in the UNC-Chapel Hill Department Barry Jacobs <br />of Pediatrics. She is a member of UNC Hospital Child <br />Protection Team and Orange County Community Child CONTRIBUTING STAFF <br />Protection and Child Fatality Team. She co-authored a MEMBERS <br />"Understanding Medical Diagnoses of Child <br />manual Corinthia Barber <br />, <br />Maltreatment" and presents many workshops on the subject. Kimberly Cannon <br />Darrell Renfroe earned a Master's of Social Work from UNC- Nancy Glover <br />Chapel Hill and earned a BA in Psychology from Oklahoma Gwen Harvey <br />Baptist University. He is a supervisor of Family Home Sharron Hinton <br />Services of Orange County. His many activities include Ann Rimmer <br />serving as the director of youth music of local churches. Beachy Sanders <br /> Melissa Sechrist <br />13 <br />10 <br />