Orange County NC Website
From P,eg,nald hlorgdn ~ AsSOCtates PHONE P~lo. '~1'~ '~'b7 199b <br />3/~to/9t~ <br />1~J <br />REGINALD MORCAN & ASSnC1ATC5 <br />RECENT C1..I FNTS: <br />Associate Relocation, Inning, Texas <br />BBRc.T, Durham. North Carolina <br />Central Carolina Bank and Trust, Durham, Nartlt Carolina <br />Centura Bank, Durham, North Carolina <br />Coldwell Banker Relocation Mgmrrt. Services, Norwalk, C:T <br />Duke University Federal Credit Union, Dru'hattr, NC <br />FAnnie Mac, Atlanta, Georgia <br />First Citizens Bank, C]r~rpcl Hill, Nrrth Caralina <br />First Union Ntttion Bank, Durham &. Ghapc;l Hill, North Carolilnn <br />GMA.G Mortgage Corporation, R:deigh, North Caroling <br />NationsAank, t".hapel Ilill, Not-th Carolina <br />Prudential Relocation, Norwalk, Connecticut <br />Prudential Relocation, Charlotte, North Carolina <br />1Zesolution 'Tract Corporation, Raleigh, Nortlr Caro]iua <br />United Carolina Bank, IIillsborauglr, Nartlr Carolina <br />Wachovia Mortgage Company, Durham, North Car~litra <br />MUNICIPALITIES ANll U'I'HER GOVERNMENT ACi1~NC1LS <br />City of Aurltant, North Carolina <br />County of Durham, North Carolina <br />R~so]ution T~vst Corpurati~n <br />North Caa•alina Department of Transportation <br />I-dousing Authority of Durlr~uu <br />Durh:,m County Beard Ut 1/ciucation <br />Town crf Chapel Hill <br />c~THLR <br />BIuC Cross and Blue Shit~ld of North Carolina <br />Duke Powcsr Company <br />General TelepltunC of the Southeast <br />Duke University <br />North Gai•ulina State University <br />Nev~-scrsnc, Grahrm, Ilcdriok & Bryson, Attorneys nt Law <br />Cimarron Crspitul <br />TiGOn, h1C. <br />1n addition, Mr. Morgan ltaa roads appraisals for other lending institutions, n2uniclpalities, <br />individuals, corporations, estates and attorneys. Properties appraised include all .types of <br />single family residential, multi-fatnily residential, office, retail, commercial, indusirixl and <br />• specialty type aces both vacant and iurprUVed, existing and proposed. <br />Appraisal assignments were for a variety of purposes including: ntartgage loans, <br />condemnation, bttnkrttptcy and equitable distrllnrtiorr. <br />