Orange County NC Website
-: <br />-,, <br />y ;~,: <br />°~ `.~:: <br />=~` <br />-:~. <br />~: <br /> <br />3~~10 96 REGINALD MORGAN & ASS(}CIATi~,fi <br />1G0 Kings~nrJ T7rive ~~ <br />C:hrrpcl Hill, NC 27511 <br />(919) 967-8700 / PAX (919) 967-1996 <br />QT_lAi..1FTC:AT10N5 OF <br />RLCINALP H. MC~RCiAN <br />RcBiuHld I~. MC7rga11 1]85 LiCC11 vvOTklrig aS a rcR.] CstatC nppJ'sriser since 1986. Mr. Mrn•gatt <br />has his own Finn ReginAlcl Mor~,an & Associates in Chapel Hill Altd acJ•Vices Urange, <br />l.~urham, C1JatlJaJU, Alarnance and Wake Caantics. MUSt• rc:extltly Mr. Morg.ur wac affiliatCd <br />with Charles W. Sluitb, Associates in Durham Ts a staff apprAiscr in Uath evm2uereial and <br />residantial appraisal. Until 1991, he:lJas wc~rkecl As Art independeJ~t r.antractorwitlr CAStiglirt <br />AssUCiatGS, CcrrridoJJ Ax5uu1~11.Cy Acrd J. 3. Kyle and Associates, in Cannccticutwherc he nlsa <br />had his own buSiuCSs. He hAS lsec» preparing single fatJaily apprxisH.2x usirJfi the URAR <br />form arJd un multi-i'aruily tlM~ellings using the Small Residential IflC4JilG ProPcr•ty Apprnisa] <br />Report i~NMA 1025 for Icndlug institutions. Mr. Morgan hAS dcuJe Jnntl appJ•aisals iJsing <br />Goth the Land Farm (VHi;Ant} and the short narrative £ornt. He has written reports f~~r tlJe <br />Etryployee Relaratian Cau.ncil used iu rxec-ulivc% ir~tnsfCts usnrg l'}tC: form of both single <br />fautily dwellings and canclaminiuTS~s. IIc hAS perfeyr'uted narrali~e reports on commercial <br />properties including afiire, reixil, and industrial. TIe has also writ.teu reports on special use <br />properties including churches, schools, and mobile home parks. Mr. Morgan is qualified Hs <br />an expert witness in legal matters regarding real estate a2Jd has testified many times in this <br />c:ctpaUity in halts I7urlrariJ xrJd Or~nnge Ccyuutics. <br />EAUCATtON: <br />Report Wril.irrg a2ra Valuation Analysis (Ii540) <br />Appraisal lnstiiuie, Chaps) Hill, Nurlh C•rolina, 1.994 <br />Applied InconYe Property Valuation (G-3), <br />Wake Tech C.C., Raleigh, North Carolina, 1993 <br />Basir• Iurwrre Capitnlicatioit - Course 3I0, <br />Appraisal Lislitut.a, C1Japu] Hitl, Ncirth Carolina, 1993 <br />Advanced Income C~tpilnli~tion - Gaurs4 510 <br />ApprAisaJl Iustit.ute, Chapel Hill, Nartir Catalina, 1993 <br />Unifotut StAUdarcls c;f PI•ufcssic~nal Practice, <br />(USt'AP-AScB), Appraisal Institute, <br />Gret3nsbvro, Nartb Cnralina, 1992 <br />Rea) F,state Appraisal rrinciples, (Exam 1AU8-1) <br />Appraisal Institute, University of North C-arolina, 1992 <br />CarTJlJlrted Seminar an the Residential Cast Approach, <br />Marshall &, Swift, Chapel Hill, Ne7r11r Ca.tuliua> 1992 <br />Basic Valuation T'rac:edares, (Exam lA2} <br />Appr'xisal Ltstilulr, Lluiv~rsity ~f North Carulinn, 1992 <br />T'rcfessiunal Slxuclxrtls of Practice;, (USPAP) <br />NA1FA, Milford, Connecticut, 1991 <br />Valuation Principles Aud Prnccdures, (R-2) <br />RC Ac:~+demy a# the Carolinas, Caryy, NC, 199! <br />Ililrvduci3an to income I'rop eery Appraisal, (G-1) <br />. Durham 'T'ech CC., Durbant, North Caroltna, .1991 <br />RCSrdenttal Vzluattart, (E7tArn $-2} <br />AIREA, New Haven, Connecticut, 1988 <br />