Orange County NC Website
rJ-coc <br />Cable Operator. <br />CAN Regulation <br />`~:.:/ <br />FCC FORM 1240 <br />UPDATWG MAXIlb1UM PERMITTED RATES FOR REGULATED CABLE SERVICES <br />TLne Warner Cable <br />NC <br />YES NO <br />1. Does this wing involve a irandAte a~hority and a single commurdty urdt? Z <br />~Y~ ~mpie~ rite fiaa~hise authority information NC-0256.2 <br />below and eator the associated CUID mrmber here: <br />YES NO <br />2. Does thfh 1Qing htvolve a single inwchi:e authority but multlpk commwdty wilts? <br />x <br />If yes, eatex the associated CUIDs below and complete the franchise authority information at the bottom of this page: <br />Recalculatlon of ?WC's 2002 October 1, 2001 rate fiNsrg for calendar year 2002 <br />Orange Comrty, NC-0256.2 <br />30 subscribers <br />3. Does this 1~g involve multiple L~anddse aathoritia? <br />If yes, attach a separate sheet fa each fianchise authority and irtciude the following fimchise authority information with <br />its associated CU1D(s): <br />Franchise .~nthorNy Wormation: <br />Name of Local Franchising Authority <br />Oran a Coun NC-0256.2 30 subscribers <br />Mailing Address of Local Franchising Authority <br />City State ZIP Code <br />Telephone member Fax Number <br />4. For what pnrpoae is this Form 1240 bring 16kd? Please pat an "X" in the appropriate boz <br />s. Original Form 1240 far Basic Tier x <br />b. Ame~ed Form 1240 fa Basic Tier <br />c. Original Form 1240 for CPS Tier <br />d. Amended Form 1240 for CPS Tier <br />TO <br />S. Irrdicate fhe one year tlme period for which you are aettlng rata (tile Projected Period). 01/01/2002 111312002 <br />TO <br />6. Lulicate the three period for which yon are performing a tnu-up• 1Q/012000 09/30/2001 <br />?. States of Previous Ftibrg of FCC Form 1240 (enter an "t" ht the appropriate boz) <br />YES NO <br />a. Is ilris 81e first FCC Farm 1240 filed in say jurisdiction? _ <br />b. Has sa FCC Foam 1240 bum filed previously with the FCC? _ <br />if Yes, enter 61e date of the most r+oczat filing: 12C22/1~ (mm/dd/yy) <br />YES NO <br />c. Has an FCC Form 1240 been filed previously with the Franchising AuWority7 = <br />If yes, eater the date of the most recent filing: 09/30/2000 (mm/dd/yy) <br />(~YY) <br />(~YY) <br />Page 1 FCC Form 1240, July 1996 <br />