Orange County NC Website
~a <br />True-Up and Projected Periods <br />The FCC1240 Form must be filed with the local franchise authority ninety (90) days before the <br />rates are scheduled to take effect and maybe filed no om th equ~erly mmethod of updat ng cable <br />Form 1240 rate filing method represents a departure fr q <br />rates, in that it allows cable operators t o estimate their future costs over a 12-month period: this <br />is referred to as the projected period. The FCC1240 form allows operators to recover prior <br />period expenses, referred to as the true-up period. If a cable operator incorrectly estimates its <br />costs for a projected period, it must correct those estimates by using the true-up process in the <br />next FCC1240 rate filing. <br />Time Warner's projected period covers the 12-month period of January 1, 2003 to December 31, <br />2003. The operator's true-up period covers the 12-month period of October 2001 through <br />September 2002. <br />Franchise Related Costs: Public Access Television <br />Time Warner Cable reported no franchise related expenses for the past year. Franchise related <br />costs incurred by the operator may include such expenses as public, government and education <br />access facilities and equipment, signal transportation, headend accommodations as well as <br />Institutional Network related expenses. <br />Commission Regulatory Fees <br />In August 2002, the Federal Communications Commission hiked the regulatory fee 8.2% charged <br />cable operators to fund the FCC which is passed on to subscribers. The hike is intended to cover <br />the FCC's $245 million budget. Cable operators will now pay 53 cents per subscriber, up 8.2% <br />over last year's 50 cents per subscriber fee. It is interesting to observe that the FCC's regulatory <br />fees are rising faster than retail cable rates. <br />The FCC permits cable operators to internalize or externalize the regulatory fee. The fee <br />(~$.53/year) is collected incrementally (~$.04 -.07/month) from it cable television subscribers. <br />These revenues are not subject to franchise fees or other taxes and must be remitted to the federal <br />government to compensate the FCC for Comcast cus omersdet rmbned the feeB ext rnal to the <br />examination of the monthly bills sent to <br />monthly BST rate, hence it is excluded from the rate treatment process. <br />Orange County cable television subscribers served by Time Warner will contribute more than <br />1 IFCC 1210 Forms allow for the recovery of past costs, only, not future costs. Future costs are recoverable <br />through the use of the FCC1240 Form only. <br />Action Audits, LLC Cable Rate, Franchise Fee, Utili Tax Auditin & Telecommunication Administration <br />101 Pocono Lane,. Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice # 919.467.5392 Fax # 919.460.6868 <br />